The first thing you should purge your life after 40

If you want to survive the decades to come, it's time to get rid of an article that is an element of your life.

PenetratingYour 40s is a big deal, but it's not necessarily an important step. People tend to wait impatiently. Research of the University of Warwick and Dartmouth College who analyzed 2 million people in 80 countries found that for men and women the probability of PICS depressionIn your early 40 years. So, with a view to the preparation of what can be a difficult decade for all of us, it's time to change concentration on thechanges you can do to erase your mind and prepare for success. And it starts witha bit of trompe objects of your past life that do not do it, likeMarie Kondowould say, "Spark Joy." During your four decades, chances are that you have raised a quite important quantity of things, some of which will always be close and expensive to your heart and others that you'd better drop once and for all. Of course, it can be difficult to know where to start, but the experts agree thatThe first thing you should purge from your life afterturn on 40 is your TV.And for more advice on this milestone, checkThe only thing everyone should know before turning 40.

A 2017 study on the Louisiana State State Health Center analyzed 3,201 adults and found that depression was particularly widespread among adults aged 36 to 50 years. The results have also shown that those who have spentMore than four hours a day looking at the television... are more likely to be diagnosed with moderate or severe depression than those who have spent less than four hours a day watching TV. "

A document of 2015 presented at the 65th annual conference of the International Communication Association also found that theNegative impact of the vision of heavy television on mental health has been pronounced. Those who looked over more television felt more feelings of depression and loneliness, while reporting problems of lack of self-control. And a 2020 document published in the newspaperTranslational psychiatry Found this "Watching TV was positively associated with the risk of depression, While the use of a computer was not. "The key difference seems to be the passive nature of television television compared to the intellectual stimulation of reading or online interaction.

Man sitting home in his armchair, using phone and changing channels

Watching television also contributes to another behavior that can lead to depression and poor mental health. A 2019 study of 59,400 participantsThe average age was 43 years old found that participants who looked over more than five hours of television tended to consume more alcohol, smoking tobacco, to eat more unhealthy foods, to be obese, to have higher levels of depressive symptoms and to be less physically active than the subjects who looked at less TV. Obviously, you do not need us to tell you that many of these factors can reduce your life.

Personal trainerLizzy Williamson, which is early 40 years old,abandoned television In 2015, to help him realize his dream to write a book, she said now to love. "Watch TV in the evening was my time," she said. "But when I gave it up, I started getting up at 5 o'clock in the morning and take a walk. During that time, I would record it with material for my book. ... I stayed stuck in my plan for a year and finished with a completed manuscript and a publisher. "

Lisa Ico, which is in the mid-1940s, was forced to drop out of television, but it was finally one of the best things happening to it. "My TV is dead and my boyfriend and I decided not to replace it," she says now to love. Previously, she was a dumplings and a binge eating. "I worked eight hours a day and I probably watched the television at the same time - even if I never think", "she said. "I was not aware of how much I ate and when I was full." When she stopped watching TV, she started becoming more active and "so many opportunities in my life was opened," she explained.

Although it is particularly difficult to imagine your life without television considering how long we are spending at home these days, you can start small with a day without television and see what you feel. This can help you achieve these life goals that you have defined for yourself. And for more ways to stay healthy in the 40s and beyond, here's Doctors' habits want you to stop after 40 years .

Categories: Smarter Living
Tags: Over 40 / wellness
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