Your facial mask protects you only if you do that every day

Write EPP is always a good idea, but it will not keep you safe unless you do.

At this stage of pandemic coronavirus, it is clear thatmask, as well as social distancing and steady hand washing, play a decisive role in stopping the propagation of COVID-19. But just because you cover your face every time you go out in public does not mean that you are totally safe. According to new research,your fabric face mask does not protect you if you shook it every day. Read more to find out more, and for additional advice on this subject,The CDC says you probably do not wash enough your face mask.

The discovery comes from a recent meta-analysis published inBmj Open, who analyzed data from a 2015 study on theEfficiency of fabric face coatings Against seasonal influenza, cold viruses called rhinovirus and genetically similar coronaviruses. The initial study revealed that the fabric masks "werenot as effective as surgical masks In a hospital and potentially increased the risk of infection compared to the wear of no mask at all. But the last team of researchers from the Kirby Institute of the University of New South Wales in Sydney believes that the way in whichThe fabric masks were washed In the initial study, made them more likely to infect the person carrying them.

"Fabric masks and surgical masksshould be considered "contaminated" after use, "RAINA MACINTYRE, PhD, who led the study, said in a statement. "Unlike surgical masks, which are eliminated after use, fabric masks are reused. Although it can be tempting to use the same mask for several days in a row, or give it a hand wash or a fast wiping , Our research suggests that this increases the risk of contamination. "


The study also concluded that there was statistically no difference in the protection of health workers who wore fabric masks instead of surgical masks. "We found that if fabric masks were washed in the hospital Linen, they were as effective as a surgical mask," said MacIntyre.

"While someone from the general public wearing a fabric mask is unlikely to come into contact with the same amount of pathogens as the health worker in a high-risk neighborhood, we would always recommend a daily washing of Fabric masks in the community, "said MacIntyre.

For more information about mask maintenance errors, you always do. And if you think you may have caught the virus, know thatIf you can not feel these 2 things, you can have Covid.

You do not wash your mask in hot water.

black mask in metal wash basin

Save cold water for your delicate. Unless the washing instructions for your fabric mask specifically specifies the opposite, you must clean it with hot water. "We know that, if it is immersed in a water temperature of at least 140 degrees Fahrenheit for 10 minutes, the immersion of hot water alone would probably be sufficient"kill coronavirus,Rand McClain, Do, chief doctor ofLCF health, previously saidBetter life. And for more times when you need your EPP, here'sThe only situation you do not wear your mask, but you should be.

You forget to use the detergent.

Putting detergent in the washing machine

If you use soda bicarbonate or other non-detergent laundry additive due to allergies or sensitive skin, this may not reduce it. "Soap is able to break the capsides (cell walls) of coronaviruses, killing effectively," explains McClain. "Just follow typical instructions on a washing machine as if you were laid your other clothes."

McClain notes that while regular detergent should be enough toKeep your mask clean, using OxyClean products or other products with a hydrogen peroxide, you can get your mask closer to being completely sterilized. And for more behavior that endangers you, familiarize yourself with theThings you do every day that put you at risk of Covid.

You use bleach.


Despite being the cleaning plant that it is the complete force with bleach is not ideal when it comes to washing your mask.The New York Times report thatHard chemicals such as javel water peroxide and hydrogen Can degrade fabric fibers in your mask over time, making them less efficient to contain viral particles.

You microfer your mask to disinfect it.

white hand opening door of microwave

Of course, this could be ideal for cleaning your sponges, but using your microwave at home for zapling your mask is not a good disinfectant strategy. In fact, if your mask has a wire inside the noseband, it can even be a fire hazard.

However, the good news is that there are other options in addition to throwing them into the washing machine, including cooking in the oven for 30 minutes to 160 degrees Fahrenheit or holding them on boiling water for 10 minutes, explains McClain. And for another sign to be informed,This "farfelu" symptom means you have Covid, not the flu.

Better life Constantly monitoring the latest news regarding COVID-19 in order to keep you healthy, safe and informed. Here are the answers to yourBurning questions, theways you can stay safelyand in good health, thefactsYou must know, therisksyou should avoid, themythsYou must ignore, and thesymptomsto know.Click here for all our COVID-19 covers, andSubscribe to our newsletter stay up to date.

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Tags: Coronavirus / News
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