When will he be careful to do your nails? Experts weigh in

Sharpen these polishing skills now - it will spend a moment before you can go to the nail lounge.

As hairdressers and barbolates start atreopen their doors In some states, other beauty and cosmetics services, such as nail salons, are likely to remain closed for business in most parts of the country in the foreseeable future. So, how long do customers have to wait before you can get their next professional manicure or pedicure? Well, with CaliforniaGOV. Gavin Newsom Recently identify nail salons like theSource of the distribution of the coronavirus community And label them as "high-risk" companies, there will probably be some time before it's safe to do your nails.

"Once the tests are accessible to all and that we can use this extensive test to document that cases are on the decline, companies that require people nearby.start working with caution, "explains the pediatricianCara Natterson, MD, founder of worry Consulting.

WhileGeneralized antibody tests Would be a great help to determine the likelihood that a person is to catch and spread coronavirus, it's a real vaccine for Covid-19 that is necessary before it's really careful to go to a salon of Nails. And since a vaccine isunlikely to hit the market before SeptemberYou can expect to wait at least until then. Even when a vaccine is available, however, the safety of the return to the show will still depend on how the coronavirus spreads in specific communities, because many experts predict thatA second wave of COVID-19 Go hit the United States at the end of autumn or early winter.

When nail salons actually reopen to consumers, "Manucurists and guests will both wear masks and manucurists can also choose to wear gloves too," says Natterson.

Nevertheless, although protective equipment such as masks and gloves can help prevent the spread of the virus via respiratory droplets, cuticle cuts and other treatments offered in the nail salons have the potential to draw blood. , which could possibly transmit Covid-19. The disease control and prevention centers (CDC) have detectedRNA of coronavirus in the bloodand the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has not yet excluded the possibility ofblood transmission.

These additional concerns, combined with the uncertainty of the moment it will be careful to reopen, unfortunately left business owners to take desperate measures to stay afloat. As indicated by theThe Washington Post, some owners of exhibitions and employees startedmake house calls, to put at risk of getting and disseminating the disease. And in Dallas, an owner of the living room wassentenced to seven days in prison And a fine of $ 3,500 for the reopening of his business before public health officials are considered safe to do so.

Regarding the clients of the nail salon, even if invaded cuticles and non-solid nails prevent you from feeling yourself, Natterson says that waiting for rectifying these cosmetic problems until the Epidemiologists and Jewish health professionals are safe. Everyone is the best interest. At the very least, she says, in quarantine "nobody sees your extremities!" And for more things that will be different after the pandemic, check these5 gray realities of life after coronavirus, you must come to.

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