20 work habits that make chronic pain worse

But do not call a p. Lawyer simply.

It is no longer secret than the Americans work more than ever. But what can be a surprise is that all this extra time dedicated to America's workplaces - Cubicic kingdoms and open floor plans to close cuisines and tentacular warehouses - cause a lot workers to be a lot of pain.

And do not just take it from us. Take it a recent study from the University of California, which revealed that negative workplace factors, such as long hours and poor job security, are directly related to chronicle.lower back pain, A condition that afflicts more than 80% of adult Americans. Or take it from the American association of neurological surgeons, who say that a narcotic50 percent From all the carpal tunnel syndrome - it is when the nerves of your wrist become painfully, the inflammation chronically is linked to work.

Yes, it seems bad, but do not call a personal injury lawyer simply. There is good news, here: all this pain is preventable. As a lot of recent research, we have revealed - what we have reconditioned and compiled below - a significant amount of job-related pain is engaged because of bad habits that you may have internalized over the years.So, whatever your profession-carpenter or your computer jockey, CEO or Chief - it is imperative to examine such habits and purge them one by one.

Sitting for long periods

man sitting at a desk and working

You may have heard that the session is the new smoking. STudies say that too much time on your buttocks - even for a few hours at a time, can increase the risk of heart disease, diabetes, anticipated death and even cerebral loss. It should not be surprising that the session can also aggravate the pain. Chronic inactivity that includes most office workers days can lead to lower muscles and sensitivity to pain.

Worry about little things

man stressed at work

Although the session for long periods can now be considered a silent killer, the true king of pain is stress. The stress you accumulate during the day at the idea of ​​receiving GST reports in the order or the rapid approach of the next date on whichcan increase chronic pain. In fact, a 2013 study revealed that stress management techniques are essential to help managing pain.


man working at night

The fight to reach a good personal work-life balance is another arena in which you are your worst enemy. Working endless hours creates added voltage, both in your mind and body. In addition, all this time in the office reduces the leisure time that could be spent for stress relief activities tested in time (a swimming, a massage, a golf part). Put another way: every hour of extra activity of overtime is only annoying your pain.

Sit in a bad chair

man stretching in his chair at work

Although the session is again the new smoke, you will want to find a balance in how long you spend on your feet. If you spend all day standing, you will find yourself on a quick track with gray chronic gray pain. The lowest pain experts on the back recommend that you split your time between sitting and standing. Whether a fraction of 50 to 50 to 50 to 40-40, one way or the other is yours. Gauge your pain and malaise; You know your body better than anyone.

That said, for the time youto do Expense your feet, you will want to make sure that you are sitting on a suitable chair. Instead of the Monsites of most offices in most offices, invest in a throne of ergonomic comfort and body cradle, as one of theThe 15 best high-end office chairs leaders swear.

Eat Vending Machine Food

getting food from vending machine

The more you become overweight, the more your chronic pain will probably remain. And few things pack on books like frequent trips to the vending machine with a snicker or a pond bagOh, and even if you are not concerned about the chronic muscle pain, a 2016 study out of the University of Cincinnati is linked to junk food frequent migraines. If you find yourself wanting a crisp, hang a healthy option: baby carrots and hummus, a handful of lightly salted nuts, or even just a fresh apple and fresh.

Staring endless screen

woman using a computer

Fixing a sparkling monitor can cause all kinds of negative side effects, blurred vision fatigue, according to a study of the newspaperBMC Public Health, headache. For combat, implement the 20-20-20 popular technique: every 20 minutes, look at an object at least 20 feet for 20 seconds. This will give your eyes and mind to rest a lot of need.

Skip stairs

businessman taking the stairs

Taking the elevator every day, you just pull in the foot. Not only Jaunière the stairs help you soupger your legs - so when you're sitting, it's relative comfort - it alsoSubne energy equivalent increase to that of a small cup of coffee. Seeing that the excessive consumption of caffeine has been linked to high blood pressure, this way you can have your cake (uh ... energy) and eating (er ... drink) too.

Hunching over your desk

woman at desk slouching

Poor posture can prepare you for many tiny inapprovisionnelles and pain in general. But if you Hommez you to work for hours and hours, you will feel the most extremely in your upper back.

Having seated meetings

people sitting in a meeting at work

If your meetings are held in a conference room with cramps inflexible chairs,Try your boss to create a walking meeting once a month. The focus on the movement can help with the generation of ideas and a little less time spent sitting can helpyou with pain management.

Eating at your desk

man eating a burger at work

Spending too much time at your desk can lead to a whole raft of poor health outcomes. Namely, miss lunch every day at your computer, instead of going out and move, can contribute to obesity, says a 2010 study from the University of Montreal. And being overweight is a sure way to help maintain the pain around a lot longer.

Heavy lifting with your back

man lifting a box in a warehouse got hurt

Everyone has learned to "life with your legs." And although most people do not follow the religious way of advice, take it from me: once you experience something twinge in your back while lifting a heavy object in the wrong direction, this adage becomes gospel .Make sure to hang over lifting heavy objects from the floor (instead of address) will help your back stay healthy and strong.

Down outside for a smoke

man smoking

While you may think that you can get up and go out for a smoke contribute to your goal of broadcast for the day, unfortunately it does not work that way. Not only does smoking increase risk of tobacco for cancer, heart disease and strokes, studies have shown that it is also related to low back pain and chronic pain in general.

Refuse to clean your desktop

a messy work desk

Not a messy desk does not directly contribute to chronic pain levels (or acute). But if your office desk regularly look at your dorm is back for the college, it will probably cause you serious stress, even if you do not necessarily realize. Stress, againis directly related to higher levels of chronic pain (acute and).If you need help to keep things tidy, start with these20 easy tips to keep your desk organized.

Keep your fake phone

man talking on the phone at work

Rock your desk phone (remember those?) Between your shoulder and your head can be a recipe for considerable pain in the neck and shoulder. Instead, try using a hands free or take care to keep your phone properly: receiver in hand.A case in France has even seen an office worker suffers a minor stroke after spending more than an hour to talk one shoulder position cramped!

Carrying a heavy bag

backpack with a lot of books in it

Lugging a heavy handbag or overloaded backpack can contribute to lower back pain, say several recent studies. If you wear a backpack to work, make sure you take two straps the thing. And if it still weighs you, consider putting on the hip belt or, if you do not want to look like a dork, distribute your load between two separate bags.

Wear heels all week

business woman in heels

Yes, high heels are a base of the dress code for modern workers (and are more often than no,extremely elegant, to start). But slide on a pair of high kicks can put a lot of pressure on the lower lumbar, which can then lead to neck, shoulder and back pain. To fight against this, take a deposit a few days a week where Stilettos came out and neighborhoods or apartments are in.

Keep a sickly computer screen

man typing on his computer at work

In addition to making sure your chair is relaxing and comfortable, you must also create the top of your desktop to maximize its ergonomics. This means adjusting your monitor or computer screens so that they are not too high for about and a length of arms with the top of the screen not exceeding two to three inches above the eye level.

Complete all your walking tasks at a time

man working on paperwork

Do not be so involved in your work that you end up all the tasks or races you need to do-or in the workplace or nearby, for the last part of your day. Mix them with your normal routine so that you can easily add movement and mobility to your daily lives.

Tap with your hands on the desk

man typing on laptop

You may not realize it, but the good posture also extends to the way you spend your hands when you type.To keep pain at the bay, be sure to tap with your hands hovering on the keys, without resting on the desktop or the keyboard itself, so that your shoulders are more relaxed and your wrists are not folded d a non-natural angle.

Maintain an unsuitable seat

woman sitting in a chair at work

Finally picked up a new ergonomic and ergonomic chair? Make sure it is adjusted to perfection. All the reduced advantages of the pain you would receive are destined for nothing if it is too high or weak. Here's how to find the perfect position. Make sure your hips are flush against the back of the chair and your feet are flat on the floor. Then adjust the chair until your knees are folded at an angle of 90 degrees. Here is!

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