15 amazing life lessons that you can learn from your dog

Dogs know one thing or two about living life at most. Here are some of their greatest life lessons.

Do any being on this earth love life as much a dog? That they come back on fresh snow or roll for belly friction, ourcanine companions tend to savor every time life gives them. So, if we paid more attention, we would realizeDogs are essentially gurus spiritually Who can guide us on the path of enlightenment. If you want to live life like your puppy - and really, who's wrong?Best Life Lessons Dogs.


dog savoring the car ride

We, humans, we tend to have many complex reflections that advance in our minds at any time. "What will we have for dinner?" "What did my partner say when they said that?" "Why did not my boss respond to this email?" Pretty soon, we went to a frenzy and we do not even notice the world around us.

Dogs, meanwhile, live in the moment. "I walk with my wonderful man," theyseem to think. "I picked up an excellent stick. Look, grass! The grass is so beautiful. Squirrel!" Dogs are real masters in the art of mindfulness and they can inspire us to take full at every moment.

Express gratitude.

happy dog with huge tongue ready for a walk

Being happy is to focus on what you have, rather than what you do not do. But for humans, it's easier than to do. This is because we are scheduled to take good acquired property and gauge on the wrong instead.

But not dogs. Whenever you feed your dog, they react as if it were the first time they have already seen food. Whenever you catch the leash to go out for a walk, they zoom in a blur of excitement. And every time you walk in the door, even if you have just taken the trash, they burst with joy. Dogs remind us that even if something can be routine, we should always take the time to appreciate that it is part of our lives.

Leave the past in the past.

dog kissing man on nose while laying in the grass

One of the most comforting things about dogs is that no matterHow much suffering or abuse they have crossedThey can be rehabilitated with just a little love and care. Dogs are not bitter or angry of what happened before. For puppies, today is a good day, and that's all that matters.

As has written an owner on herPit bull that was made blind After a success, "dogs can be put through horrible things, but they can always bounce back and live a happy life. It's this ability to let the past in the past that make dogs so incredible."

Unconditional love.

therapy dog at the hospital

As soon as you get a dog, you probably have a new understanding of what "unconditional love"Ways. Dogs love without waiting in return, and should not we all do more about that? It's not about who loves who loves more or who does what for whom it's just love for the love of love. And it's so free!

Focus on the positive.

corgi rolls over on subway for belly rubs
Courtesy of Diana Bruk

Do you know when your head is in the clouds and you feel sad about something you can not really put your finger? And then suddenly, your dog turns around and gives you a look that says, "How can you be so upset when there is a belly rub for taking the outlet in front of you?"

Dogs are always there to remind us of focusing on the Pawitient-er, positive, even if it's just something small that brings us joy. After all, how could things be bad when this moment feels so good?

Have faith.

dog waiting for owner

There was once a dog named Devo who went viral for a very adorable reason. His ownertweeted he found lasagna In a cemetery once, and every time it has disappeared, it is still short that this cemetery is always looking for more Italian food - eventhree yearslater. "I think his optimism is a beautiful thing," said Devo's ownerDodo.

It really is! Dogs understand the true sense of keeping faith. They do not discourage when the thing they want do not show. Although there is still no lasagna in the cemetery again, one of these days, some pastawillFalling the fork from the owner of Devo. And when it's okay, he will wait.

Keep Calm and carry on.

dog stuck in cat door

No matter the dogs to meet, they do not stress. Let's say they are stuck in a cat door - and it's just hypothetical. Dogs do not struggle against the cat's door they are stuck. They are one with the cat's door. They know they will get out when the weather is ok.

To be open to adventure.

Dog Sticking His Head Out the Window

Humans hesitate whenever they are forced to do something with uncertain variables or unknown results. Dogs on the other hand? Simply open your car dog and Fido sets in the back seat. Of course, sometimes these car rides lead to traveling to the veterinarian. But there is always the chance to be able to play the park in the park, which makes the adventure in force.

Walk more.

elderly couple takes an autumn stroll with their dog.

Your dog could be on something with all these "walks", they wanted to take. According toMAYO Clinicadding to walk in your daily routine can help you prevent heart disease,Improve your moodand maintain a cutting size. And it's hardly the only wayDogs help you get healthy.

The family does not need to be blood.

Shelter dog, shelter dog children

Dogs understand better than any human that sometimes the family is not our loved ones of blood; These are the people of our lives that we have chosen to have. Our dogs may not be bound by the blood, but you would never know it based on how they love us and vice versa.

Do not judge.

Dog laying in owners arms

Dogs do not judge people according to the color of their skin, their sexual orientation or their sex. (Heck, our colorblind canines can not evensee The shadow of our skin all that well!) What dogs are based on and what we should count on, too much to separate the good humans from the bad, traits and actions of the personality of people. It is smiles and pets who leave dogs know that humans are trustworthy, not their race or love.

The bodies come from all shapes and sizes.

bulldog dog on a leash

Big dogs, small dogs, thick dogs, lean dogs, we love them all! Very frankly, it makes no sense howWe kiss dogs not despite, but because of their body types Then we judge to be too big, too short, too big, or too skinny.

Each body is different, and we should love them what they are. After all, if we can do it with dogs, we can also do one with each other.

To be forgiven.

Woman with Dog {Life Lessons From Dogs}

Have you ever accidentally slammed your dog's tail in a door or was on his paw? If your answer is yes, you know that the infliction of pain on your puppy is one of the worst feelings in the world. And yet, our casmics seems to forget that everything happened after just a few seconds.

Yes, dogs are really one of the most forgiven species, which is part of what makes them so carefree and happy-go-lucky. We, humans, we could learn one thing or two dogs about forgiveness and drop the grudges.

See light.

dog looking at sunset

Have you noticed that dogs still manage to find the only slicit of light in an otherwise dark room in which to take a nap? They are also doing the same thing in figurative and it should inspire us to do the same.

Love your neighbor.

Dog Begging For a Treat

And the neighbor of your neighbor. And anyone with a treat, really. Or without treatment. These people can be great, too!

Categories: Smarter Living
Tags: animals / Pets
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