Children of this age can carry 100 times more COVID than adults, the study says

New research shows that coronavirus levels can represent up to 100 times children's respiratory tract.

The season back at school is almost upon us, but instead of celebrating a home home soon calm or buying school supplies, many parents rather panicked whether their children will be in the classroom and sheltered from coronavirus. And, of course, if they are back at school, there is the question whether or not they will bring the virus to the house. Now, a new study gives a surprising idea about these issues. The study of the University of the Northwest of the Medical School of the University of the Northwest, found thatYoung children in particular wear a lot more from coronavirus than adults. In fact, the search found up to a"100 times larger amount of SARS-COV-2 in the upper respiratory tract of young children" under 5 years.

The new study, published inJama Pediatrics, examined 145 Covid-19 patients with a mild to moderate disease in a week after the start of their symptoms. TheResearchers compared three age groups: Young children under 5 years old, children aged 5 to 17, and adults aged 18 to 65 years. Although they found similar quantities of coronavirus present in older children and adults, in children under 5, they found 10 to 100 timesFollowing particles in the respiratory tract.

Worried black mother looking at thermometer, ill daughter coughing

The research was directed byTaylor Heald-Sargent, MD, an expertise of pediatric infectious diseases in Ann and Robert H. Lurie Chicago Children's Hospital. In the report, heald-sargent and her team note that children often lead the spread of respiratory and gastrointestinal diseases - and COVID-19 are not different.

"It definitely shows thatChildren have virus levels Similar to and maybe even higher than adults, "said Heald-SargentThe New York Times. "It would not be surprising if they had been able to give up [the virus]" and extend it to others. (Viral loss indicates how long someone frees contaminated particles. "The evidence suggests that theNovel Coronavirus is the most contagious When symptoms are worse and the viral loss is high, "Notes Webmd.)

The search notes that the early school closure in the pandemic is probably "upsetting the surveys on a larger scale schools as a source of community transmission". In other words, we do not know yet ifSchools are COVIDS-19 Supersfeaders Because we close them in the first weeks of the epidemic.

"Theschool situation is so complicated - there are many shades beyond scientific science, "said Heald-SargentThe temperature.

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A recent study by South Korea published in the CDC JournalEmerging infectious diseases-watched if children spread or not Covid-19. Researchers examined 5,700 people who reported coronavirus symptoms between January 20th to March 27th, which is when South Koreaclosed schools. The results indicate that between 10 and 19 years old are themost likely to spread coronavirus in their households.

"We detected COVID-19 in 11.8% of household contacts;Rates were higher for children's contacts than adults"," said the researchers. About 19% of those who shared a house with patients with 10 to 19 years of age have also contracted Covid-19. Children under 10 years old were the least likely to disseminate the disease (About 5% of their contacts fell ill). So it is proven that children of a certain age are more infectious.

As for the new study, Heald-Sargent saidThe temperature,"A take-away of this is that we can not assume that, because children do not fall sick, neither very sick, they do not have the virus." And for more children and Covid, checkThe 8 most likely means that children can propagate Covid to school, say experts.

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Tags: Coronavirus / News
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