Dr. Fauci says that this is likely when a COVID vaccine is approved

If the top medical expert of the nation is right, a coronavirus vaccine could be closer than you think.

Even with all the questions that arrived during the pandemic coronavirus, we still seem to be at the top of everyone:When will life be able to return to normal? Most experts seem to agree that the development and liberation of a safe and effective vaccine will greatly contribute to significantly slowing the spread of the virus. And while the chronology on exactly when you can expect to see that we have changed over time,Anthony Fauci, MD, think we will probably have a Covid vaccine approved by the end of the year, November or December "a sure bet".

The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) stated thatThree vaccines are ready to enter the test phase Due to the "speed of light of the operation" of the White House, which would ultimately deliver 300 million doses at the beginning of the new year,The Times of London reported. Fuci optimized that "it is conceivable that we get an answer before that".

Coronavirus vaccine for immunity

But the high medical officer has changed tones when discussing the finished product. "I would not be satisfied as long as a vaccine was not proven whether it is safe and effective before it is actually approved for general use," he told the newspaper.

Experts stated that the three-phase vaccine approval process is essential for developing both safe and effective inoculation. WhileRussian vaccines and China has been seen as success by their countries of origin and declared for production,Nor received an external audit Or adopted the third phase of the tests, which involves testing on thousands of people in relation to a set of smaller patients. A successful vaccine must protect at least half of all recipients to be considered effective, depending onThe New York Times.

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Some scientists fear thatThe rush to development and free a vaccine could really solve the world in the fight against the virus. In an article published in the Medical ReviewThe lancet August 27, the Group of Experts on the Solidarity of the World Health Organizationurged caution to follow the right development protocol. "There is a danger that political and economic pressures for a rapid introduction of a CVIV-19 vaccine can lead to a widespread deployment of a vaccine that is actually inefficient," he said. "The deployment of a weakly efficient vaccine could actually aggravate the CVIV-19 pandemic if the authorities assume that this leads to a substantial reduction of risk, or if the vaccinated individuals are mistakenly believed themselves are immunized, which reduces the Implementation or compliance with other COVID-19 control measures. "

In light of these concerns, some American agencies have progressed to reassure the public. August 31,Stephen Hahn, MD, Director of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) told CBS News thatAny vaccine approval would be made "On the basis of science and data. We will not do this decision on the basis of politics. It's a promise." And for more where the coronavirus is from the pick,These 4 states should lock immediately, Harvard researchers say.

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