You can not enter these 8 states without a negative covidation test

Check this list before your Thanksgiving projects.

Thanksgiving this year Is ready to be one of the most unusual of living memory with canceled trips, disturbed plans and families who are wondering not to gather in large groups. An AAA travel report considers that the number ofAmericans traveling for Thanksgiving will go down 10% this year in terms of reserved trips, but expect the actual number of the day to be even lower, especially since the CDC announced on November 19 thatNo American should travel for holidays. "The decision to travel is personal"Paula TwidaleSenior Vice President of AAA Travel, said in a statement before the CDC's recommendation. "For those who are considering making a trip, the majority will go by car, which offers the possibility to change the holiday plans until the day of departure." However, many Americans will find their complicated plans complicated by several States that now require travelers to show a negative Covid-19 test result on arrival and demand - or in some cases requiring visitors to Even up to 14 days. Read it to know which states require COVID tests.(Note: This is an evolving situation, so be sure to regularly check official local government sites.) And for more states with a borrowed approach, discoverThese states refuse to lock COVID surges.

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a wooden

To visit Alaska, you must have proof ofA negative COVID-19 test resultand submit a trip declaration with aSelf-isolation plan. And for more information on what you should be looking for,This strange symptom can be the first sign you have COVID, the study says.


a wooden sign that says

If you are traveling anywhere next to New York, New Jersey or Rhode Island, and your state has a test positivity rate greater than 10% or a case greater than 100% per 100,000 inhabitants (measured on a seven-day rolling average) - where you come from a country with aLevel 3 CCC Travel Health Notice-Donne, you will be held in Quarantine in Connecticut for 14 days upon arrival. To avoid this, you must be able toShow negative COVID-19 test result from within 72 hours before. And for more tips to stay safe, see4 places Dr. Fauci says he would not go now.


Hawaii sign welcoming visitors

All visitors arriving in the Hawaiian Islands are held for yourself for 14 days, but travelers can bypass only if they have proof ofA negative COVID-19 test result, administered by an approved test partner, taken within 72 hours before arrival. Visitors must alsoConfigure a secure travel account Before entering the state, whether they have a negative covidation test or not.


a blue

Unless you do not see Vermont or New Hampshire, you must haveProof of a negative result of COVID-19 test This was taken up to 72 hours prior to arrival in the state of Maine to avoid mandatory 14-day quarantine. A conformity form certificate must also be completed before being allowed to enter the state. And for more where Covid stops,That's how the COVID epidemic is in your state.

new York

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Anyone who has been in a non-contiguous state, the American territory or level 2 level 2 or level 3 of more than 24 hours must be quarantined in New York for three days. Then visitors mustTake a test on the four day From their forties, after which those with a negative result are allowed to end their forties. And for more information on the last with the pandemic, checkIf you have this age, you can last from Covid vaccine, says Fauci.


a blue

Travelers in Pennsylvania arriving from any other state mustShow a negative test COVID-19 It was taken up to 72 hours before arrival. Without negative test result, visitors must quarantine for 14 days after arrival in Pennsylvania. These mandates also apply to the Pennsylvanians visiting other states, unless their reason for traveling is treated towards and from another state for work purposes or because they receive medical treatment. And if you are looking for regular COVID updates,Sign up for our daily newsletter.

Rhode Island

a blue

Any traveler arriving from a state that has a positive test rate greater than 5% must be able to show aCOVID-19 negative test taken within 72 hours before entering Rhode Island. Otherwise, these visitors must quarantine for 14 days and self-monitoring for symptoms. Rhode Islanders The reintegration of the state must also follow these guidelines. And for more information on warning signs, you should search, checkThese 4 easy failing symptoms could mean that you have COVID, say experts .

Washington DC.

Welcome to District of Columbia Sign
Joseph Sohm / Shutterstock

Any traveler arriving from a state with more than 10 COVID cases per 100,000 people must be able to show a negative COVID-19 test result of 72 hours before their trip.

If you stay in the state for more than three days, a COVID-19 follow-up test is necessary within three to five arrival days from you. (The exceptions apply to the visitors of Maryland and Virginia, those who exercise essential works and those attending an emergency or family funeral.) And for more things about the current situation, discover why If you have this age, you can last from Covid vaccine, says Fauci .

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