The only thing you should never lie to your doctor

Located on this subject could lead to serious and threatening health complications of life.

Doctor's appointments can often be long and tedious, especially when you see a doctor for the first time. This does not mean that you can cut the corners, however: the issues and concerns they raise are often extremely important with regard to your health care. And while you might think that a small white lie to your doctor will not hurt, it could actually be more harmful than you realize. Although honesty is the safest global policy, the only thing doctors say you should definitely never lie there about it is your use of drugs. Read more about why the truth say with your doctor is essential and for more things, you should be honest with your doctor,That's why you should not lie to your ophthalmologist on floats.

"The information on which drugs - on prescription and no prescription - you are taking is a critical part of your medical history and should always be provided to your doctor," saysAbi Olulade, MD, aFamily medicine doctor certified by the board with sharp health care. "You should always keep a list of that with you, and you may want to take a picture of the list of ingredients and dosage. Drugs are made up of chemicals that can interact and react with each other Can lead to unwanted harmry and side effects. "

According to Olulade, there are several negative effects that may result from your decision toDo not accurately disclose your use of drugs. Some drug interactions can causeDrugs must be less effective, or even lead to toxic levels of drugs in your system.

"We are not there to judge you or to criticize you. And we want to give you the best and the best possible care, "she says. "You are doing our jobs so much more difficult and can even lead to a bad diagnosis because we did not know that we had to take into account the effects of a medicine you are taking."

According to Olulade, the harmful effects of the unconsciously combination of certain drugs may be the reason you find yourself at the doctor, anyway. She says that patients can spend months and months of testing to determine what causes recurring symptoms - such as dizziness, nausea and rashes - only to discover that the reason they lived these symptoms was because They did not disclose drugs. They were already taking.

Of course, it's just minor symptoms that can occur. According toJoseph Mosquera, MD, amedical expert With RxSaver, it is on medicines can result in more serious interactions. It says that many most common medications can produce "life-threatening" interactions when they are not used appropriately, including blood diligents, antidepressants, sexual improvemen, anxious drugs, sleeping pills. Opioid pain medications.

BAIDE OF PETER BAILEY, MD, family practice physician and test preparationContributor Expert Insight Expertsays it generally considers that patients can be on prerequisite medications for three possible reasons: personal embarrassment, the desire to have more medicines to prescribe, or the fear of having problems with the law on the base of their previous drugs.

However, Bailey clearly indicates that due to privacy laws, such as the Act respectability and accountability of health accountability (HIPAA), doctors can not disclose the illicit use of drugs. to the application of the law. "The disclosure of such an use of a patient is safe with their doctor. So they should not fear legal retaliation, "he says. "In addition, the benefits of the doctor who knows this use before the diagnosis and the prescription of additional drugs are essentially important and prevails the risks of such disclosure."

And although it is the most important and important use of drugs is not the only thing you need to be honest with your doctor. Continue reading for more things that you should never lie to your doctor and for other signs, your doctor-patient relationship is defective,If your doctor can not say these 3 words, you need a new as soon as possible..

Alcohol consumption

close up of bearded white man drinking a glass of beer

Some people may be a little less than generous when it comes to revealing how much alcohol actually use, butMary Jacobson, MD, thechief doctor A-alpha, says it's another important factor to be honest. Some drugs react poorly when combined with alcohol and serious complications such as crises that can occur when mixing alcohol with certain medicines like Wellbutrin. And for more reasons to be directly with your doctor,If you use this without a doctor's recommendation, stop immediately.


woman holding a pregnancy test up close

You must always disclose if you are pregnant or believe that you can be pregnant with your doctor, so many things can affect a pregnancy. But you should not lie to your doctor either to plan or try pregnancy either, says Jacobson. After all, "some drugs we prescribe can cause fetal malformations," she warns. Even something like seemingly unrelated to the pregnancy that the Accutane, used to treat acne, can cause birth defects. And for more health advice of medical experts,Never put this in your body before going to bed if you want to sleep, doctors say.

Surgical story

In the Hospital Sick Male Patient Sleeps on the Bed. Heart Rate Monitor Equipment is on His Finger.

You may think that is irrelevant to keep the doctors updated with recordings of your surgical story, but not to disclose this information may be more harmful than you realize. According to Bailey, if your doctor does not know some past procedures ", this could lead to possible future complications if your current disease also requires surgery." And for more information up to date,Sign up for our daily newsletter.

Use of vitamin and supplement

Woman taking vitamins or pills with water

Your use of your vitamin and supplement should be described in the same way as you disclose drugs, indicatesAdriana Caychula, Ms, aregistered dietitian.

"Even if many of these supplements have the connotation of being" natural ", they can always cause damage when taken with certain medications or large doses," she says. "Many different herbs and" natural "remedies interact with the same enzyme systems used to break down the drugs and can either make the drug ineffective or increase its resistance to dangerous levels." And for vitamin, your doctor might want you to take,Missing this vitamin puts you at risk of severe Covid, the study says.

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