That's exactly when we know who get the Covid vaccine first

The answers are coming sooner than you think.

The prospect of really getting the Covid-19 vaccine more like a reality than a distant hope these days. With the approval and subsequent deployment imminent, the only question to the mind of all is: how will the vaccine be distributed or, more precisely,Who will get it first? For those who look forward to getting online for the vaccine, these answers, and the shot itself, are coming soon ... very soon. The disease control centers and the Advisory Committee on the Prevention of Immunization Practices have planned aEmergency meeting for December 1st to establishwhich will be vaccinated first, associated press reports. Read it for details and for more vaccination news,The vaccine will keep you safe from Covid for this long, says that Fauci says.

The committee must vote on Tuesday 1 of the 1st deceased on which should be the veryFirst to get the Covid-19 vaccine, once it is approved. After making their recommendations on WHO to vaccinate and when, CDC DirectorRobert R. Redfield, MD, decide to implement them or not.

The agenda for theEmergency vaccine meeting was posted on the Friday, November 27th. Although this does not give much to the gap, the first deliberations of the committee, published in the CDCsWeekly Morbidity and Mortality Report(Mmwr), suggested that four key groups will be among thefirst vaccine recipients, that the CDC is labeling as "phase 1a".

The meeting is scheduled for December 1 at 2 o'clock. And, with the vote will take place at 4:40 pm and. While we are waiting, let's read to see who could be in "phase 1a" of Covid vaccine. And for more information on how a vaccine can slow the propagation of coronavirus,Dr. Fuci says that many people should be vaccinated to stop Covid.

Health care staff

Female doctor in PPE sitting on hospital bed
Shutterstock / Theskaman306

In their anticipated report inMmwrThe Committee suggested that 21 million health workers in the country should be the first to receive the vaccine. On November 29,The numbers of the CDC suggest At least 242,366 cases of COVIDs have been recorded in the profession, including 857 deaths.

"The ability of essential workers, including health workers and health care workers, to stay healthy has a multiplier effect," reads the CDC report. This means that their ability to "stay healthy help protect the health of others and / or" [es] interruption of society and the economy ". And if you are curious about what the vaccine looks, those -Ci areThe side effects of the Covid vaccine are worried about.

Other essential workers

closeup of firefighter sitting

According to the CDC, this group of 87 million people includes police, firefighters, teachers, grocery workers and transport workers. "For me, the issue of ethics is very important, very important for this country and clearly promotes theGroup of Essential Workers, "Peter Szilagyi, MD, Professor of Pediatrics at the University of California, in Los Angeles, saidThe New York Timesrecently. He also pointed out that many of these workers come fromMinority and low-income groups, which have been disproportionately impacted by the virus. And for more information on how the vaccine works, read whyYou must leave this bad habit before getting an anti-covid vaccine..

Adults with high-risk medical conditions

man gets blood sugar levels checked by nurse, both wear masks

This group, which includes more than 100 million Americans, could also be among the first to get Covid vaccine. The CDC report notes that, as at October 31, "nearly 90% of people with hospitalizations associated with Covid-19 have at least one high-risk condition, part of the co-morbidities an important group to protect. And for more ordinary Covid news delivered directly to your inbox,Sign up for our daily newsletter.

Adults over 65 (including residents of long-term care facilities)

Senior woman wearing a face mask as required to enter an airport during Covid-19 pandemic, Indiana, USA

The last group The CDC seems to consider the priority of vaccines isthe elderlySpecifically those of more than 65 years. The Committee notes that the challenge of vaccination of this group "will require targeted awareness of vaccinating people in this group that have no limited access to health care or the experience of inequalities in the social determinants of health" . And for more information on vaccine deployment, If you are this age, you can be the last to stay covid vaccine, .

Categories: Health
Tags: Coronavirus / News
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