It's the safest single facial mask, explains the fastest supercomputer in the world

Among the most commonly available face masks is the most effective, according to a new search.

Since pandemic coronavirus started, we all had a lot of face masks. But between theDIY masks, blue medical masks,gulottes, Bandanas and many other front cover options, it can be difficult to know what to use to protect yourself - and others - from the virus. Now a Japanese supercomputer that claims to be the fastest in the world has performed the tests and identifiedWhat kind of facial mask is the safest When it comes to limiting the propagation of germs and viruses. The winner?Standard blue blue disposable masks.

According toNikkei Asian RevIEW, the Japanese supercomputer known as "fugaku" recentlyThe simulations performed involving several types of masks. He found that non-woven disposable face masks, that is, the blue medical masks you see that everyone bearing is more effective for blocking droplets emitted when a weave compared user coughMasks based on cotton or polyester. The results of Fugaku's search were announced on August 25 by theInstitute of Rikken, who is aJapanese research institution-government.

The test team revealed that "the nonwoven masks blocked almost all the droplets emitted in a cough"Nikkei Asian RevIEW reports. However, the fabric and polyester woven masks stopped around 80% of the particles ", which makes them effective for slowing the propagation of the coronavirus" also, according to the website.

The computer model showed that non-woven masks allowed 10% droplets to escape by gaps between the carrier's mask and face. However, the polyester and cotton masks have allowed up to 40% of the droplets to cross, comparatively, because the fibers that make up the woven masks have more gaps than the nonwoven fabric.

You can see a visual representation of the discovery of the study in the video below.

In terms ofFace shieldsThe researchers found that although large droplets were held inside the shield, the smaller ones can escape gaps on the side and at the bottom of the cover.

Thus, while the disposable nonwoven masks are more effective, the researchers noted that wearing a mold or a woven polyester mask is still much better than going without a completely. "What's the most dangerous does not wear a mask,"Makoto Tsubokokura, a team leader at the center of IT science in Riken, saidNikkei Asian Review. "It's important to wear a mask, even a less effective cloth."

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That everything is said, the mask that ismore efficient to prevent the spread of the virus is the N95 mask, at least depending on the food and the drug and the administration (FDA). But disease control and prevention centers (CDC) do not recommend that the general public wears N95 respirators because they are critical supplies that need to be reserved for health workers and other medical staff. For more research on the most effective way to keep safe from Covid-19, checkThese are the best and the most worst face masks, classified by science.

Categories: Health
Tags: Coronavirus / News
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