23 most strange things you can be allergic to

It is therefore where the eruption comes from ...

According toAmerican College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology, More than 50 million Americans deal each year with allergies, which represents an area of ​​$ 18 billion in annual treatment and prevention expenditures. Yes, allergic reactions are a widespread rash on American life. And while common conditions, like those of bee bites and peanut exposure, constitute the majority of such cases, there are narrow allergies downright there, some almost too odd to believe. Whether due to your own biology or to this device in your pocket, here are the strangest allergies on the planet.

Gaspillage of cockroaches

Cockroach on food

Almost everyone gets fattened by the simple thought of a cockroach, but some people are particularly scared of household pests, seeing as they are allergic. According to the Foundation of Asthma and the Allergy of America, it is sufficient for a close contact with the waste of a cockroach (EW) enough to trigger an allergic reaction, marked by sneezing, coughing and Demanded eyes.

Allergy medicine

sealed medicine bottle

Quite ironically, it is possible to develop aAllergy to allergy medicine. However, people who suffer from this allergy are generally sensitive to dyes and additives found in drugs and not to anti-allergic chemicals themselves, which means that these people may suffer from relieving special medicines. on allergies.


sweaty woman in humid climate

For people with cholinergic urticaria, it is particularly important to be a real pain. Whenever their skin is exposed to heat or sweat, these people burst into demanguated hives. And in serious cases, it can even lead to a case of anaphylaxis, an allergic reaction threatening by the life in which the body is shock and ceases to breathe.

The smell of fish

Milk fish eggs salmon food

According to research and education for non-profit food allergy, one of the most common food allergies is to incidence of fish, people are most often allergic with salmon, tuna and halibut. The allergy can range from gravity and, in some cases the most extreme, justodour Fish is enough to trigger a reaction; As a baking of fish, proteins (where lying allergens) can transmit through the air.


hobbies for your 40s

All my excuses to the funky group, but for some people, the vibrations are anything but good. For people who suffer from a disease called vibratory urticaria, come into contact with something that vibrates - a lawn mower, a motorcycle, a mountain bike can cause swelling, itching, headaches and a blurred vision . Fortunately, this allergy is so rare that, according to the national library of the United States, the number of afflicted people is still unknown.

Your phone

Woman Using Fingerprint Scanner on Smartphone

Nowadays, it is almost impossible to surviveWithout your smartphone At your side, unless your phone causes serious irritability, that is to say. Unfortunately, this is the case for people who suffer from a nickel allergy, seeing as many electronic devices are made with the metal. The rashes of a nickel allergy usually take a few hours at days after the exhibition to appear, according to the Mayo clinic, so it can be difficult to say if a smartphone is the culprit. If you wake up with random rashes, you may want to avoid touching your phone (or bulk changes, as this is also made of nickel) for a few days. And no, the cases will not save you here: those who suffer from the allergy report reaction, even to simply touch the glass.


Man in the shower

Most people come out of a burn bath with a lobster red skin, but for someone withaquedency urticariaor an allergy to water - this is the case withallBath and shower, whatever the temperature. Once a person with aquedency urticaria is eliminated by the water, their hives will fade in the hour - but should they come into contact with a source of water, their symptoms will begin again. And it's not just the shower that will provoke an allergic pool of the reaction, getting caught in a rain, and even something so harmless that the dishes will also cause a thrust. (Wearing gloves!)

Hairy caterpillars

pine processionary caterpillar, weird allergies

You can not see blurred caterpillars around this topic,But the creatures are there, And they are dangerous. According to a study published inThe World Scientific Review, a species of fuzzy caterpillars, called the pine verement caterpillar, "causes dermatological reactions in humans by contact with its irritating larval hair". And you do not even need to touch the caterpillar to develop a reaction, see that their hair can browse the air and find you.

Your own child

pregnant woman in bed

As if the transport of a baby for nine months is not enough acidity, there are some mothers to be exposed that must also face a skin allergy linked to the painful pregnancy called gestation pemphigoid. This autoimmune disease, which is generally manifested during the second or third quarter, causes itchy bumps and bulbs on the abdomen that spread to other parts of the body.

Go outside

an optimistic woman in a field on a sunny day

Some allergy triggers, such as dog hair and molluscs and crustaceans, are relatively easy to avoid, but an allergy that is almost impossible to guess sunlight. People with solar urticaria can take medication to control their symptoms, but if untreated, exposure to sunlight can cause any rash to nausea. And even if you do not have an allergy to the sun, here is the20 ways a sunburn hurts your overall health.


young woman driving Moms Should Never Say

An increasing number of people make trips to the doctor's office claiming to have electrosensitivity, or an alleged sensitivity to electromagnetic fields. Although no scientific study has been made to prove that such a condition exists, people who claim to be so-called electrosensitive supposed to feel headaches, painful skin rashes and flowing noses when they enter into Contact with cars, mobile phones and microwaves.

To be touched

friend hugs another friend

For people with dermatographs, so much a light scraper becomes a raised red line and causes the inflation and sliding skin, like what someone with a feline allergy would suffer after being scratched by a cat. According to Healthline, about five percent of the population suffer from dermatographies, although many people with allergy never seek medical treatment.

Your rules

Woman with Cramps Hair Thinning

It is relatively normal that the time of the woman of the month be accompanied by cramps, bad mood and uncomfortable bloating, which makes menstruation quite fear. But for a woman chosen, these few days every month are particularly disgusting, seeing like theirSelf-immune progesterone dermatitis (ODA) brings them to go out in the hives and swell under the skin. Obviously, ODA is not caused by the period itself, but on the rise of female hormonal progesterone during the second half of the menstruation.

Bags of beans

Beanbag chair Never Buy

People with soy allergy know better than ingesting legumes, but there are other surprising means in which this allergy can be triggered. For example, a case study published in theAnnals of allergy, asthma and immunology As a six-year-old child with a soy allergy suffered from a slight respiratory distress because of another person other than a bean bag, which is filled with dry soy. Stick at the chairs, people.


pancakes breakfast

If you have an allergy to known mold, beware of consuming old pancake seeds or all old dry mixtures, about it. According to a case study published in theAmerican Journal of Forensic Medicine & Pathology, a man suffered an anaphylactic shock and died after eating a mixture of two-year-old pancakes, seeing that the dry mixture has been soiled mildew.


Pink glitter

Mica, a natural mineral that is easily distinguished to become the sequins we use to scroll, is a common allergen that irritates the skin. And if you find that you are allergic to this mineral, pay attention to the foundations and powdered products you use because it is also in many mineral makeup.

Polluted fruit

Some people are allergic to certain products (eggplant, tomatoes) anything, and other people are only allergic fruit if they are raw and pollinated. These latter folks suffer from an oral allergy syndrome, which occurs when the proteins of a raw fruit or reacting vegetables react with pollen. The fruits that usually trigger this allergy include apples, celery, melons, peaches and bananas.


man putting clothes in washing machine relationship

Making the linen is supposed to rid your allergen clothes such as dust and pollen, but for people with laundry detergent, the chore has the opposite exact effect. And if you are allergic to dyes or perfumes of your detergent at laundry, as long as wearing a shirt directly out of the laundry will trigger an antihistamine response.



Most condoms on the market today contain traces of latex, many of which are allergic. For the most part, latex exposure for these people leads a little more than an irritating rash, but it can cause severe anaphylaxis in extreme cases. Fortunately, there are alternatives on the market. If you find yourself with the condition, consider moving to condoms made from lamb or polyisoprene skins, which should be available at your local pharmacy.


people drinking wine at dinner

Usually, when someone says that they are allergic to wine, what they are actually allergic to sulphites, the compounds found in red wines and the dark beers that can trigger itchy eyes and a stuffy nose. Fortunately, many companies are aware of this relatively common allergy and therefore started shining beers and wines without sulphites.


Tattoo, tattoo removal, 40s, what to give up in your 40s

According to a study published inDermatitis of contactFour percent of people who had tattoos experienced short-term cutaneous rash after the process and six percent of people had skin problems that persisted for more than four months. "The colorful part can sometimes raise as much centimeter above the skin and can affect the texture of the skin", co-directorDr. Marie Leger explained today.The dermatologist hypothetic that allergies are at the base of most of these skin problems, knowing that two-thirds of people who reported having obtained a rash had allergies, against a single third of those who normally healed. And if you are on the market of your first tattoo, check these100 incredible tattoos for timers.


steak puns

Most people know ticks to cause Lyme disease, but few people are aware that some type of Tick-Tick-Tick - can also bring its victims to develop a red meat allergy. Depending on the search inJamaThese ticks make their allergic victims with alpha-gal carbohydrates found in cows, pigs and other parts by biting an animal with carbohydrates and then bite a human, whose body then produces antibodies in response. Now, whenever human milde eats red meat, this antibody response is triggered. These ticks are particularly widespread in the south-east of the United States, and they can cause allergy itself in people who have eaten pork and beef for their lives.

Cold temperatures

Guy running in winter to stave off winter weight gain.

Known under the name of cold urticaria, this allergy is triggered when the body feels a sudden temperature drop. Doctors confirm this condition uncommon by holding ice ice on the skin of a patient for a few minutes and waiting for a reaction.

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Tags: wellness
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