This mask feature does not do what you think the experts warn

Decothes the air on what part of your mask does.

While the country impatiently expects the expected results of the presidential election, the coronavirus continues to spread throughout the United States following aNew registration of more than 100,000 cases of COVID In a day, it is more important than ever not to leave pandemic fatigue or other distractions affect your efforts to reduce propagation. This means that you continue to continue wearing your mask in public. However, just as important as wearing your mask, the door of the right way and what your mask can and can not offer in terms of protection. A characteristic of a particular mask has been a source of confusion, say:Respiratory valves. Continue to discover why you should avoid these types of masks and how to make sure your face coating offers the best possible protection of COVID. And for more tips on how to stay away from coronavirus, checkIt's the only thing that makes your unnecessary mask, scientists say.

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Avoid masks with respiratory valves.

N95 mask
Shutterstock / Jn 999

While the masks with integrated circular breathing valves in the fabric may seem more professional, it is important that you do not entrust these respiratory tract as another line ofDefense against Covid.

"Some masks have valves that facilitate expiration, but without filters, these valves do not trap the aerosols you breathe, thenthey do little to protect others, "According to a group of scientists consulted byThe New York Times. Disease Control and Prevention Centers (CDC) also advise againstMasks with respiratory valves without filtration. And for more times when and where you can discover your face, checkThat's exactly how long you can spend safely with someone without mask.

Make sure your mask is not loose around the edges.

closeup of person wearing blue surgical mask to protect against Covid-19

Instead of using a mask with integrated respiratory valves, you will better wear a surgical fabric mask, as long as you wear it properly. CDC and other experts say at onceA well adjusted mask begins with a tight fit around the edges. If you have air gaps around your cheeks or above the part covered with your nose, they are like open invitations for the virus to enter your body. And for more than another coronavirus protection line, checkThis thing is better to protect you from COVID than your mask.

But that should not be too tight around your nose and mouth.

hands holding a face mask

While the perimeter of the mask must be tight, your mask should have a losing look around your nose and your mouth. This space is what experts call the "breathing zone" and is important forThe effectiveness of your mask. Not only does this make breathing easier, the space increases the chances that the expelled particles of your mouth will meet and be trapped by the fiber of the mask. And for more useful information delivered directly in your inbox,Sign up for our daily newsletter.

Perform a priority on style.


The homemade masks can bring a small style to your EPP, but the CDC strongly recommends to avoid the use of "fabric that makes it difficult to breathe, for example, vinyl". And for the ideal makeup of your mask, checkIf your mask does not have two of them, it does not work, the study says.

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