It's the worst thing you can tell someone in bed

Choose your words wisely when you are both so vulnerable.

Sex is a healthy part of aintimate relationship-But it is also a very vulnerable experience. Whether you are in a long-term monogamous relationship with your partner, you just learn to know you, or you know well of the bat, you will be a one night stand, you must contact sensitivity when you 're The two asked if-ahem-naked. This does not mean not being honest for reasons to please or impress your partner, but that means that management clearly meanswords that can really leave wounds, whether intentionally or involuntarily. For advice, we asked professionals from the relationship, communication and mental health of their catch on the best pitfalls to avoid. So, what is the worst thing you can tell the bed, according to experts?"You hurt it."Find out what you should say rather and for more factors that play a role in your bedroom business, science saysMen with these personality traits have the most sex.

Of course, maybe you do not get the satisfaction you had expected from experience. After all, you deserve pleasure and can be able to speak for that. But the sentence of this way can only make things worse, for both of you. "This statement can hurt everything as soon as you spit your mouth," saysrelationship Amy Olson. "I do not want to say that you can not communicate your needs or what you would like better. But do not tell him they do it badly. That will pretend them embarrassed." Can you say what do it like that ? '"

Want to know what else to avoid when you learn to know someone intimately? Continue reading for more advantage advice on what you should never tell someone in bed. And for another sentence that should never leave your lips,It's the worst thing you can tell someone who has just divorced.

Call someone with the wrong name.

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Certainly, use the bad name is a big non-non-no one who would be deeply awkward for you two, and probably leave lasting scars. "Sex is an intimate experience and many people have related insecurity," sayspsychologist Thomas Diblasi, PhD. "Say all that refers to the person as inadequate in the bed would be injured."

In addition, if you are always pinned for an ex, you may have extra work to do before you can move healthy with a new partner anyway. Worried that can be you? here are theSigns that you are not ready to update, according to dating experts.

"Have you been tested?"

Sad man looking at his boyfriend lying in bed next to him

To be clear, ask about a partnerHistory of sexual health is important and totally justifiable. Youshould Ask if your partner has been tested and you are entitled to a simple answer. But it's a question you should ask much earlier. "It's abefore discussion,"Coach and life coach Aidan Parksaid clearly. "Not oneafter discussion. "And for other issues to avoid in less vulnerable situations, here isThe only question you always ask you can kill a conversation.

"I had better."

woman shrugging, every day words

The comparison of your partner in any other of your past can trigger sustainable insecurity. "Say something that undermines their safety or sense of oneself is injuring and damaging," saysCassandra Leclair, Doctorate, principal speaker in the department ofCommunication studies at the State University of Texas. "This type of comment reinforces the feelings of self-doubt and can lead them to question themselves in relations in the future."

So, while it might not be the partner for you, it is not necessary to break his confidence for a future partner who could be a better game. And if you do it less these days, here is hereThe reason # 1 that you have less sex in your relationship, the study says.

"Do you want to brush your teeth?"

Good dental hygiene is important and healthy

Suregood hygiene is important, and you hope that your partner adheres to a standard of the same quality as you do. But halitosis is not necessarily a sign of bad hygiene. "Bad breath [can be] a symptom of digestive problems," saysSandra Glavan, the founder of Sandi super sensitive, a website to help people reduce and handle anxiety . "Even if the person brushes the teeth five times a day, they can always have a bad breath in the morning. Most people who suffer from bad breath know and feel very much aware of that. [Confronter-les] can cause problems of trust, intimacy and sex life. "And for other means, you might be offensive people in your life, here is the Rude things you did not realize that you do every day .

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