17 most dangerous health myths that are just not going to disappear

Vaccines for vegan regimes, medical experts released in a common and dangerous-myth manner.

Every day, doctors do their best forrefute myths Their patients believed for years. While some of these mussels are totally harmless in their nature less than "an apple per day is moving away from the doctor '- The-showers are downright dangerous and believers can seriously hurt your health - or even worse. Of the drastic house "remedies" toFight Covid-19 it could land you at the hospital to believe that you are not at risk ofSome medical conditions, here are the most dangerous health myths that do not seem to disappear, but must be retired once and for all. And for more ideas than you had facts, check50 things you always believe that it's not true.

Anyone with cardiac disease should avoid doing exercise.

Thoughtful senior man sitting on sofa at home

Those who have heart disease might thinkSedentary is the best option. CornRichard T. Lee, MD, a cardiologist in Boston, Ma, saidHarvard HealthIn doing so, it's a very bad idea. "It can lead to blood clots in the legs and a decline in global fitness," he says. Physical activity, on the other hand, can do the opposite, help keep your muscle heart healthy, improve blood flow and improve your overall health, "he says. And for more harmful things for your health, checkThe 20 worst habits that destroy your heart.

Cardiac disease affects only men.

Middle-aged woman clutching her chest in pain on the couch

Sorry, the heart-cardiac disease affects you too. Even if it is commonly considered the problem of a man,Harvard HealthNote that since 1984, more women have died every year of heart disease than men. But because it's theMain cause of death for men and womenMore than 65 years in the United States,anybodyShould wait to improve their cardiac health. Concentrate to improve it now by exercising, eating healthy diet, not smoking and limiting alcohol consumption. And for some things you can do to reduce your risk of heart disease and other serious conditions, check100 simple ways to be a woman (a lot) healthier.

The flu plan gives you influenza.

syringe dipped into vial of vaccine on blue background

Some people avoid gettingThe shot of the flu Every year, because of a popular myth that the shot of the flu really gives you the flu. According toDisease and Prevention Control Centers (CDC)It could not be further from the truth, such as influenza vaccines can not cause influenza disease.

"The influenza vaccine is made from an inactivated virus that can not cause influenza infection"Candice R. Robb Rarey, Do, a doctor of internal medicine in Illinois, saysNorthwest Medicine. "It helps your body build the antibodies needed to combat the first sign of the flu virus. It takes about one to two weeks for this to happen, so there is a chance that you can contract the influenza after shooting, But never because of the shot. " And for another fake on disease prevention, consultThe biggest myth on the Covid vaccine you need to stop believing

The fewer calories you eat, the more weight you lose weight.

Food Labeled with Calories {Health Mistakes}

When you are on a diet and you try to lose weight, you might think that the best way to go there is to limit your calories.Amy gorin, Ms, rdn, a plant based on a factoryregistered dietitianIn the New York area, is there to tell you that it is theworsething you can do for your health.

"Here is a fact: your body needs calories to work and you will not enjoy continuously to eat an extremely low quantity of calories. I had customers who thought they could eat 1,200 calories or less every day" , she says. "Not only does your metabolism adjust to this new number - which is not a good thing! - But your body needs more calories than that to work optimally. You want energy to do a workout. And to enjoy activities with your loved ones, not only. "

Drinking bleach will heal Covid-19, Cancer, Autism and more.

Measuring bleach to dilute it and use as a disinfectant

For some reason, people decided to drink bleach is a good idea. So that both theDisease and Prevention Control Centers (CDC)And the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) had to issue public statements due to the increase in the number of calls to poisoned centers.

"A notice has been given exhorting the public toStop drinking a solution of sodium chloriteAlso known as a form of industrial javel water. This has gained notoriety in online communities such as the "master / miracle mineral solution" or MMS, "saysSunitha D. Posina, MD, a certified board of advice in New York. "His followers argue that the substance targets that pathogens, leaving sounds alone, and thus tighcifies everything from cancer malaria to autism." But there is no scientific evidence to affirm the advantages and drink this mixture with activators such as lemon juice can result in liver damage, dangerously low blood pressure and other health circumstances. "

Going to vegan will make you deficient protein.

vegan food and ingredients on wooden table

Vegan and vegetarian asked how they get enough protein on a plant-based plan all the time. Quite funny, it's one of thelatestThe things they need to worry. In reality,Harvard Healthsays that men should target 56 grams a day, while women should target about 46 daily grams and most people-calves included more than enough without even trying. Believing this myth, you might miss some of the economic benefits of a plant-based plan, such as aReduced risk of cardiac disease. Gorin says that when you eat herbal, you can easily get enough protein by drinking high protein smoothies and eating nuts and walnut butters, as well as load things like Tofu and Tempeh.

Take placenta pills can help with postpartum depression.

Depressed woman leaning against window
Shutterstock / PanitanPhoto

You may have heard your placenta eating some advantages after pregnancy and, because of that, people take placenta pills. CornNiker Sonpal, MD, a internist and a gastroenterologist in New York, wants to fix the right record. "The supporters of practice say that the ingestion of his placenta helps accelerate the recovery of pregnancy, restores energy and prevents postpartum depression," he says. "The problem is,There is no science or evidence Saving these claims that involve a serious and sometimes even dangerous-psychiatric state, such as postpartum depression. "

According to Sonpal, the placenta consists of maintaining potentially dangerous toxins to reach the fetus - not for consumption. "Placenta's pills are not approved by the FDA, provide only a minimum amount of iron and the liquidation of the delivery of the same return toxins to the mother." Yes, not great. And for more useful information,Sign up for our daily newsletter.

Drinking detox teas will help you lose weight.

liquorice sore throat remedies

Nope, there is still no magic way to lose weight, no matter how much detoxification is your favorite celebrities - you know, those with personal chefs and trainersswear they drink. "Detoxification owners do not cause real or durable weight loss results. In reality, they can dehydrate you, potentially cause serious liver damage, because you develop a dependence on laxative drugs and other disturbing side effects, "says SONPAL." If someone you know seems to have lost weight using detoxification teas, it is likely that the weight of the water thanks to their laxative effects. "And for shorter shortcuts to lose these extra books that you should avoid, discover45 weight loss tips that you should never listen to.

And juice juice juices are the way forward for lasting weight loss.

Juice cleanses can backfire on you when you're losing weight

Despite what you read on Instagram, juice cleanings are not a good way to lose weight. "It's one of the health myths that push me the craziest," says Gorin. "I recommend 100% juice as part of a balanced diet, but I would never recommend drinkingaloneJuice. "Not only would you get enough calories to annoy your day, but it also says that you do not take all the nutrients that your body needs juice juice.

Ear candles can bring many health benefits.

Ear candles on tray

You have probably heard about the many health claims of earbones, either treat sinus infections or headaches. But SONPAL wants you to keep this wax away from your ear channels. "There is no scientific evidence that the changing ear works, but thereisMany proves that it's very dangerous, "he says." This can burn your skin, puncture your eardrum, and even push the wax deeper into the ear. All these elements can lead to serious consequences, such as infections, second or third degree burns and hearing loss. No audiologist would never recommend it to a patient. "

Alcohol warms you in the cold.

a group of friends in winter gloves tapping alcohol glasses in cheers

Unfortunately, loading on drinks by a good night will not warm you up, even if it looks like this in the moment. In reality, it's a dangerous myth of believing, like spending time in the cold when you are drunkcould increase your risk of hypothermia.

"So many people believe that a rum will warm them up when he arrives from a cold winter night. It's an absolute myth," says Posina. "Alcohol brings that your blood vessels dilate, moving hot blood closer to the skin and make you feel warm. But in reality, it makes you lose the body faster."

The cold and wet weather causes colds and flu.

asian man outside in snow in winter clothing

You have probably heard of this myth a million times growing and SONPAL wants you to know that it's not true. "Time alone can not cause someone falls ill. Infectious diseases come from bacteria and viruses, no cold weather, "he says. While noting that it is important to protect yourself against cold temperatures for other reasons, such as frostbite, for example! - Is not the cause ofThe cold or the flu. "People who really believe it's what causes colds and flu do not understand how germs affect the body and how to protect themselves from disease all year round."

You should put ice on a burn.

Woman putting ice pack on wrist

If you burn your skin, you want to put something cold like ice ice cream on it, right? Wrong. "The ice can damage the cells and has also been demonstrated to do worse burns. The same goes for butter: it is an effective heat conductor, so it will make a burning worse," says Posina. "The majority of burn damage is caused by the inflammatory skin response. The best way to keep a partial thickness thick from going to the total thickness is to immediately immerse the burning in cold water. "

If diabetes turns in your family, there is no reason to try to be healthy.

Woman doing diabetes test

Often people with a family history ofChronic disease like type 2 diabetes Decide not to worry because they think they are destined to have it too. But this is not the case and gorin wants to fix anyone in this difficult situation before they are reallyto doinjure their health. "Take your health in your hands right now. Eat healthy and balanced meals, lower your added sugar intake, do daily exercise and focus on the quality of sleep," she says. "All these small Things will add to a healthy lifestyle that will help reduce your risk of illness. "

Vaccines are dangerous and can cause autism.

black baby with father getting vaccine from white female doctor
Shutterstock / Rawpixel.com

As a doctor, it is not uncommon to have patients who believe allMyths on vaccines. Unfortunately, those who could hurt their children. "It has been a very controversial topic for a long time. Parents can feel uncomfortable of" overloading "with injections and what effect that could have health," says Posina. "The good news is that the immune charge of the current vaccines is a fraction of what it was three decades ago. Science has become more accurate to teach the immune system to fight the disease."

Posina says many parents are concerned about the thimerosal - a curator used in older vaccines - because ofa defeated myth that he is linked to autism. "However, it has not been used since 2002," she says. "With the way modern medicine has progressed, the danger ofnotvaccinate your children as recommended by their pediatrician and CDC is much larger. "

The only way to reduce your blood pressure is with medicine.

Woman at the Doctor Getting Her Blood Pressure Checked Lower Blood Pressure Naturally

Sometimes drugs are needed forreduc your blood pressureBut people often forget that what you eat can also make a big difference. "As a recorded dietary nutritionist, I believe that food is medicine. And did you know that potassium foods offering foods such as lawyer, banana and tomato help to counteract sodium effects?" Gorin says. "It does not mean that you can eat all the salt you want, but incorporate these foods into your daily diet and moderate your sodium consumption will only result in your blood pressure."

You only need to wear solar screen when the sun shines.

Girl putting on sunscreen in the park

While many people believe that solar cream isonly needed when they are out in the sunThis is not the case andCan you at risk of skin cancer. In reality, you should wear it every day, which is dark, even when the sun does not shine.

"Wearing a solar screen on a cloudy day is as important as wearing it on a sunny day"Lara devgan, MD, a plastic surgeon expert and skin care in New York, wrote abouthis website. "The sun's rays are usually a sign of most people that the skin needsProtection against sunburnHowever, cloudy days, UV rays can be as widespread, even if the sun is not visible. Even on a cloudy day, you risk being tanned by UV rays. "

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