The 4 biggest mistakes you do when you visit parents in the middle of Covid

Regardless of the results of your tests, you must always keep your mask on.

The new Coronavirus Pandemic has kept us from our offices, favorite restaurants and for a long time. But besides the loss of daily routine, she also made much more difficult toSee the people you like the most. Unfortunately, recent events have shown that large family gatherings such as weddings, funerals, graduation celebrations and holiday meetingshave become superspreader events This can lead to tragic consequences. So, how can you visit your family without putting someone in danger? These are the mistakes you should not do when you visit parents in the middle of Covid. And for more information on where you are at risk of getting sick, checkThis single place is where you are most likely to get Covid, study.

Visit without being tested in advance

Doctor in protective workwear taking nasal swab from female patient with face mask

If there is something we know coronavirus tests at this stadium of the pandemic is that there are many things we still do not know. Notorious inaccurate test processes can lead to false positives - or even worse,false negatives, which can lead to the unintentional propagation of COVID-19.

Sure,Anyone who even shows light symptoms Should be tested immediately, but even those who are apparently healthy can do a good action by doing so. INFECTIOUS EXPERT OF DISEASESCarl Bergstrom, PhD, from the University of Washington, said CNBC upwards to visit the family.falls under a category called "customs clearance test" What is particularly important for people living in areas where new case numbers can be high and for more know how to say if you have been infected, checkIf your symptoms appear in this order, you probably have COVID, the study says.

Give up your mask if you are testing negative

Portrait of young woman taking off a N-95 mask outdoors. End of Covid19/Coronavirus pandemic.

Get negative results on a COVID-19 test can make you feel as if you dodged a bullet. But with somePeople stay asymptomatic For days,Defective screening could put your loved ones in danger. "[Negative Testing] could give people a sense of trust that can be unjustified"Steven Pergam, MD, Associate Professor in the vaccine and the Infectious Division of the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, said CNBC.

Gathering inside

family dinner raising kids over 40

The experts agree that without the appropriate precautions - likeKeep your visits outside in the fresh air-It is not worth the risk for your loved ones. "Unless theThe visit is outside and at a safe physical distance or with everyone wearing masks, people should limit exposure to family and friends, "Patrice Harris, MD, psychiatrist and President of the American Medical Association, told CNN. "Without vaccine, the risk of propagation is simply too big."

Become too close

friends and family hugging each other

The most difficult part to finally meet with loved ones during the pandemic may not be able to get physically closer to them once you are together. "Limit hugs and close contactunless you have made a complete quarantine, "William Miller, MD, an epidemiologist at the Ohio State University's College of Public Health, told the NPR. If you absolutely need to go for a hug, considercoming from behind Or turn your faces into different directions when you embrace yourself to avoid breathing one on the others. And for more Coronavirus expert guidelines, checkThe CDC has just made a major reveal with this new COVID directive.

Better life Constantly monitoring the latest news regarding COVID-19 in order to keep you healthy, safe and informed. Here are the answers to yourBurning questions, theways you can stay safelyand in good health, thefactsYou must know, therisksyou should avoid, themythsYou must ignore, and thesymptomsto know.Click here for all our COVID-19 covers, andSubscribe to our newsletter stay up to date.

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