These conditions increase your risk of crowded coronavirus disease

Diabetes, heart disease and other chronic conditions can cause serious complications.

Thecoronavirus pandemic has caused thousands of deaths and infected hundreds of thousands of people, edifying life as we know it around the world. And although there are many about Covid-19, we have not yet learned - significantly on how to inoculate yourself against medicine professionals, noted a number of problems of Pre-existing health that seems to increase the risk of becoming critical if they contract infectious disease. With this, here are nine health conditions that can increase your risk of serious coronavirus complications.


Man having his blood glucose levels checked by his doctor for diabetes

Peoplediabetes have been found to face a greater chance of having serious illness if they contract Covid-19.

"With uncontrolled diabetes, high sugar rates (glucose) in the system alters the body's ability to heal," explainsDouglas P. Jeffrey, MD, a specialist in Family Medicine of Eugene, Oregon, Medical Advisor forEMEDIHEALTH. "The immune system is unable to operate optimally when blood glucose is high."

According toAmerican Association of DiabetesViral infections can increase inflammation in people living with diabetes. "This is also caused by blood sugars above, and both could contribute to more serious complications," explains the organization on its website.

Cerebral accident

Doctor with older patient

In a recent article publishedin the newspaperJamaThe doctors of Rome Istituto Superiore di sanità noted that in a sample of italian patients deceased after contraction of COVID-19, 9.6% of them had a history of stroke.

"The data suggest thatPeople who have a cardiac condition or a vascular disease, or who have had a stroke, may be at higher risk of complications if they are infected with Covid-19, "explainsCindy YIP, Director of Data for Knowledge Management and Cardiac ProgramHeart attack in Canada. It urges stroke survivors to ensure you have an offer of current requirements and get home delivery from their pharmacy as much as possible. "By storing non-perishable foods, give priority to healthy heart choices," adds Yip.


Obese man, contagious conditions

aAudit by the national health service of the U.K. found that 63% of severely diseased coronavirus patients in US hospitals were overweight, obese or morbid obese.

"Obstructive sleep apnea and obesity hypoventilation syndrome are two important and somewhat common obesity complications," explains Jeffrey. "[With] a disease that kills people mainly because of an inability to breathe properly, we can imagine the increased risk marked that obesity causes lungs."

Breathing illness

Person using breathing apparatus

Those with respiratory diseases or diseases such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and cystic fibrosis have been tried at increased risk of serious coronavirus complications. And on hisList of high-risk conditionsDisease control and prevention centers (CDC) include "people with chronic pulmonary disease or moderate to severe asthma".

A recent study, conducted byBritish University College Researchers London And published by Medrxiv, even found COPD to be the largest risk factor for serious coronavirus-19 among those who were hospitalized because of that.


Cancer patient

Since certain types of cancer treatments, such as chemotherapy, oftenweaken one's immune system, patients with cancer are generally more numerous for any infection, including COVID-19, theNational Cancer Institutesaid. In addition, in the survey on Italian patients discussed inJama, 20.3% of those deceased from Coronavirus also had an active form of cancer.

OncologistDaniel Vorobiof, MD, the medical director ofBelong.A social networking application for cancer patients, adds: "One of the main outcomes noticed during the first wave of CIVID-19 infection in China has been the fact that cancer patients accounted for a population immunocompromised at high risk ".


Man at the doctor

Autoimmune disorders, which usually suppress the immune system - or require drugs that have been found to increase the risk of serious coronavirus symptoms.

"It can become quite perilous when your doctor has to change the treatment of the disease or stop it entirely to protect patients from this infection," says Jeffrey. "Of course, the symptoms of such diseases will come back when the drug is reduced or eliminated during the peak of a pandemic."


Woman at doctor's office

According to a recent study of theChinese Center for Disease Control and PreventionWith more than 45,000 cases of confirmed COVID-19, those with cardiovascular disease have undergone a mortality rate of 10.5%, compared to a mortality rate estimated at 2.5% for those without pre-existing heart conditions.

"Covid-19 infection not only puts on direct stress on the heart, because your body combines it with the creation of a massive inflammatory response, but also pneumonia will decrease the levels of oxygen needed at the heart of the function" , declaresTim Canty, MD, Executive DirectorCenter of the Vertebral Column and New York Pain. "The underlying cardiomyopathy of the prerequisite damage due to smoking, hypertension, diabetes or heart attacks would put a higher risk person."


Doctor checking patient's blood pressure

The same study of the Chinese CDC revealed that these victims of coronavirus suffering from high blood pressure experienced a mortality rate of 6.3%. And in Italy,76.1% of patients who died of Covid-19 had hypertension.

In addition, theAmerican Heart Association said: "Those who have a chronic disease such as high blood pressure - a reading greater than 130/80-can cope with an increased risk of serious complications if they get the virus." The organization urges people with arterial hypertension "to follow advice on the conservation of other well-controlled conditions and maintain good health and good health", including avoiding overtominal drugs that can increase blood pressure, Excessive alcohol or caffeine, and mix some foods with some herbs.

Kidney disease

Man using his phone while getting dialysis

According toNational Foundation of Reins, diseases such as chronic or acute renal failure predisposes to a "higher risk of coronavirus disease more serious".

"Someone with a pre-existing decrease in renal function is sensitive to renal failure as coronavirus infection progresses in late stages," says Canty. "It would be important to keep the right amount of fluid equilibrium in the body because the infection progresses-dehydration could result in a loss of renal function, but too much liquid consumption ... can overload the body systems, aggravating the lungs."

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