Dr. Fauci wants you to know this only thing about the vaccine

The health expert shared his reflections on how the vaccine will help us to contain COVID.

Throughout the pandemic, many people have found comfort by turning toAnthony Fauci, MD, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), for the answers. As a result ofhis work this year, Fauci was chosen to be one ofPeople2020 people of the year. And whilehis interview With the magazine, it was extended, he shared an important insight, including the only thing he wants people to know the Covid vaccine. Read it for encouraging thoughts on the future of the pandemic and to see who will first be online to be vaccinated,The CDC has just voted that these people should have the Covid vaccine first.

Fauci is also impatient as anyone to get the vaccine, but he wants to warn people that it is not a curative treatment. "Things will improve with a vaccine, but they will not improve at night," said FauciPeople. While the first expert on the nation's infectious disease is optimistic about the relief that will come with a vaccine, he hesitating to do everything as a cure for all our problems.

"The thing that gives me the most hope is the recent manifestation that vaccines work. We have a vaccinal pfizer candidate who showed an extraordinarily high degree of efficiency, more than 90%. It's a huge breakthrough in the One of the tools we need to contain the epidemic, "says Fauci. "And it is very likely that we will soon see other vaccinated candidates, hopefully, and probably will have comparable degrees of efficiency."

At the same time, Fauci insists that the vaccine alone will not stop the propagation of COVID. But when you combine the vaccine "with accelerationPublic health measuresI think we can turn that, we can contain it, "he said.

Continue reading for more Fauci forecasts and when the general public will be able to get vaccinated,You should be able to get a Covid vaccine this month, "said Dr. Faisci.

The coming months will be difficult

People wearing masks in street

Fauci predicts that the coming months will be particularly difficult because of the colder weather in many parts of the country. "I think it's going to be intense in the coming months ... when many activities would beneed to be inside Rather than outside that faces a respiratory born disease that is much more problematic, "he said.

Although the vaccine is in sight, it's not here again. "Between now and the first months of 2021 will be extremely difficult from a public health point because we arego see the cases rise Until the vaccine and good public health measures can begin to come back again, "he added.

The relief is just around the corner.

Businesswoman wearing mask in the office during COVID-19 pandemic

Fauci points out that while we are currently experiencing an increase in cases in global cases and in the United States, he thinks "we are going to have a relief because we enter the first and second quarter of 2021." And for more information up to date,Sign up for our daily newsletter.

People need to resist "fatigue of covidation".

Sofia, Bulgaria - MAR 13 2020: A young woman and an older man are walking on Vitosha street. Few hours after that the Governemnt announced State of Emergency in the country because of the corona virus outbreak.

The doctor acknowledged that many people have had a "fatigue of Covid". Faucics warns againstbecome lazy to take precautions known to stop the propagation of the virus.

"We can not say either that we give up because it's futile and we are exhausted with doing so, nor we can say that we have an upcoming vaccine so why are we not that we do what we do what we want to do, "said Fauci. And for more information on the coronavirus vaccine,It's when we know if the Covid vaccine is safe for children, says Fauci.

We will go through that.

a group of friends looking at items and cards on a table for game

"At the moment, we are in a position while we enter the arena to have successful and efficient vaccines, it is very important to pass the message to people to stay there because the help arrives "," said Fauci. He used the metaphor "The cavalry is on the way" - the cavalry, of course, being the vaccine.

"If we could hang there and implement thesePublic health measures And do not give up on that, we will go through that, it will end, "he added. And for other concerns than health experts have,Doctors have it to fear Covid vaccine.

COVID-19 will be part of the story.

Hand holds Coronavirus Covid-19 Vaccine glass bottle

Although it is difficult to look at a time when the height of the Covid pandemic will be just a memory, inaccurate, ensures that time will come.

"We are going to look back, it's going to be part of the story, but when you live through that, you do not see it as part of the story, you see it as part of the actual and present pain, That's what it's but we're going to get through that, "he said. And to make sure you are ready for vaccination, These are the doctors of the side effects of Vaccine Covid who are worried about .

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