It's the only time someone with Covid can not make you sick, says doctor

There is a window when an infected person is not contagious. Here's what you need to know.

COVID-19 cases continue to sting in the country, the latest reported numbers showing near15 million totals cases from December 7th. With an increasing number of us, contracting, or be exposed to, the virus, it is important to know when you or those around you aremost contagious and understand the key periods of viral development. Read on to know when Covid patients are the most contagious, when they are no longer contagious and when they arenot contagious at all, according toBruce y.lee, MD, a main contributor forStrong. And for more where the virus is spreading, checkAlmost all the transmission of Covid goes in these 5 places, says doctor.

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Latency period

woman pulling mask down below her chin

The first step in the infection process is the latent period, when you are infected, but the virus simply starts to take root in your body and copy you. At this point, according to Lee, you are not contagious.

"You are not immediately infectious once the Covid-19 coronavirus hinders in your body", "he explains. "It must enter your airway cells, divert the machines from your cells and use your cells like cheap motel rooms to reproduce. Once enough new viruses are produced and released, you start losing the virus and are contagious. "

According to Lee, "the range of the latent period is probably two to about 10 days." And for more information on how fast the virus can spread, checkIt only takes it long to get Covid in a room with someone who has it.

Incubation period

Male Outdoors Wearing Face Mask During Pandemic Virus Outbreak

Then the incubation period is when you are infected but I haveSymptoms not yet developed. The latent period and the incubation period begin at the same time as when the virus enters your body first. But "the latent period is shorter than the incubation period, usually at least 24 to 48 hours shorter," says Lee. "One by two days tends to make the time that the immune system acknowledges that there has been a liberation of respiratory virus and generate reactions that will cause symptoms."

At the incubation stage, the virus is always built inside you, but has not yet been maintained enough to give you significant symptoms. However, youarecontagious during this time. Disease and Prevention Control Centers (CDC) suggest thatThe incubation period can extend to 14 daysBut research suggests that it is usually more than 11 or 12 days. A March study published in theNew England Journal of Medicine found that 95% of the patients observed had aIncubation period of 12.5 days or less. Then, a study of May published in theAnnals of internal medicinefound97.5% of those who finally developed symptoms did it within 11.5 days of exhibition. And for more information on the signs, you might be sick, checkIf you have this symptom, there are 80% chance you have COVID.

Contagious period

Woman coughing while holding throat

This is the period of the end of the latency period until you completely treated the virus and put zero risk to transmit it to someone else. As a general rule, you "lose" the virus and potentially infect others - up to two days before developing symptoms. "If you are likely to become contagious one to two days before developing symptoms, you will become an average of three to four days after being infected," Lee notes.

"Clinical and virological studies that have collected repeated biological samples from confirmed patients provide evidence that the loss of CVIV-19 virus is highest in the upper respiratory tract (nose and throat) at the beginning of the disease. ", suggests global health organization. "The preliminary data suggest thatPeople can be more contagious Around the time of the appearance of symptoms in relation to the subsequent situation of the disease. "And for more times that the contagiousness is at worst, checkIt's when someone is most likely to give you Covid, study programs.

Symptomatic period

A senior man sits on a couch wrapped in a blanket while touching his forehead and feeling for a fever, suffering from COVID symptoms

This is the period of the end of the incubation period, when you first develop significant symptoms, when your symptoms are unobstructed. The symptoms are actually the result of your immune system responding and mobilizing against the virus. "Most people with coronaviruses who have symptoms will no longer be contagious of 10 days after solving symptoms," experts toHarvard Health Publishingto warn. "People who test positive for the virus but never develop symptoms over the next 10 days after testing are probably more contagious, but again, documented exceptions. Some experts therefore recommend 14 days of isolation." And for more information on the signs of sickness you need to know, see The most common covid symptoms that you might have .

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