Here's how to say when you can get the Covid vaccine
The vaccine can be ready before exercise, but that does not mean that you will get it then.

From the beginning of the pandemic, some experts feared that we would have to wait for years for a vaccine. Fortunately, the Food and Drug American Administration (FDA) is currently inCoronavirus Pfizer Vaccine Approval Process authorization, if an emergency vaccine can actually arrive before the end of the year. This does not mean that you will be on the front line to get it, though. So when it will be in your turn?The New York Times Created a database that will help you determine when you are able to get the CVID vaccine. Continue reading to learn more about your personal calendar, and more on the vaccine,These are the only people who should not get the Covid vaccine.
In collaboration with the Ariadne Surge and Labs Foundation,The New York Times Created an interactive calculator To help determine the number of people who will need a vaccine in each state and county. By entering your age, your county, the profession and the risks to health related Covid, you can know where you are in "line" for the vaccine.
For example, a 25-year-old adult, without health risks related to COVID-who does not work for health care, essential worker, first speaker, or a teacher falls in line behind 144.1 million American people . In comparison, a 65-year-old adult who has health risks related Covid and lives in a nursing home or long-term care facility is located in the line behind 17 million Americans.
Thanks to your input location, the tool can also estimate with greater specificity where you fall online when it comes to your county and state.
Centers for the Disease Control and Prevention Advisory Committee (CDC) on Immunization Practices (ACIP) voted on 1 DecemberRecommend a schedule for the deployment of vaccines. Fixing with health workers, the general public will most likely be the last to receive the Vaccine against Covid.
This young man of 25 years theoretical adults without risks for health related Covid falls so far online because they will be the last to get the vaccine. To know who could be in front of you online, keep reading, and more about deployment,You should be able to get a Covid vaccine with this month, Dr. Fauci.
1 Health care staff

Health care workers are fighting against COVID on front lines, care for people already infected with the virus. ACIP recommends that these workers get the first available vaccine tour that the CDC reported that there was263,970 cases among health care staff and 892 deaths to December 10 and to learn more about the future of the pandemic,Dr. Fauci has just given a new scenario to return to normal post-vaccine.
2 Residents and long-term care workers

The ACIP also recommended that residents and long-term care workers are part of the initial implementation of the vaccine. Nursing homes and long-term care facilities experienced an abnormally high number of death by coronavirus during the pandemic because they house extremely vulnerable populations. According toThe New York TimesNursing homes havesaw more than 106,000 coronavirus deaths December 4 and more about the vaccine process,If you are this age, you can be the last to stay covid vaccine,.
3 Essential workers

ACIP has not officially voted on a second phase of the deployment still, but the essential workers have been previously classified as probable candidates for this phase, as published in theMorbidity and mortality Weekly report(Mmwr) On 27 November after the first recommendations of the CDC, this category includes a large number of professionals whose ability to "stay healthy contributes to protect the health of others and / or minimiz disruption to society and the company. economy. And for more information up to date,Sign up for our daily newsletter.
4 Adults with high-risk medical disorders

A third deployment was not voted either, but it was issued the hypothesis thatAdults who are most vulnerable to COVID due to high-risk conditions will come after health workers, nursing home inhabitants and other key workers. According to the CDC, thisIncludes people with diabetesCardiac diseases, obesity and renal diseases, as well as immunocompromised persons. And to learn more about the current state of coronavirus in the United States,These states are LOCKING DOWN AGAIN in the middle Covid.
5 Adults over 65 years old

The last group of Americans who can get the vaccine before the general public could be those over 65 the CDC states that this group is at high risk because of their age. And although this decision has not yet been voted by the ACIP, some experts believe that Statespossibly increase the minimum age at 75 to allow vaccination other essential workers, The New York Times reported. And if you wonder your risk of sick before being vaccinated, You are most likely to get Covid right now, the White House says .