It's the right thing about the new Covid strain, who says

The Chief Scientist of WHO stated despite the new number of mutations, this element is good news.

You have probably read title after the title onThe new strain of COVID-19 This emerged in the U.K. And while the coronavirus calendar taking a new form, just as the deployment of the vaccine begins terrible, the World Health Organization (WHO) has a good new rare for you. The medical experts of the organization emphasized that the development of new strains is a normal part of the evolution of a virus and fortunately, the new variant does not affect the ability of doctors and scientists to combat the virus. "Even if we saw a number of changes,A number of mutationsNone had a significant impact on the susceptibility of the virus to one of therapeutics, drugs or vaccines currently used in development and hope that will continue to be the case: "WHO Scientific ChiefSoumya Swaminathan, MD, told a briefing online on Monday, December 21st.

The discovery of the new variety of Virus Covid-19 has led to more than 40 countries prohibiting arrivals from the United States and freight queue on the south coast after the franchy of France temporarily closed its borders . The situation has progressed over the weekend after the Secretary of Health.Matt Hancock describes the new variant as "out of control" in a television interview and a large part of London and the southeast of the country has been set upStricter locking measures Tigse the rise in case numbers.

However, WHO emphasized that despite this upheaval, the discovery itself is not yet caused an alarm. "We have to find a balance. It is very important to have transparency, it is very important to tell the public how is the case, but it is also important to be part of what it is a normal part of The evolution of the virus ", said the Executive Director of WHOMike Ryan, MPH, during the briefing. "Being able to follow a virus in close collaboration, this with care, this scientific period in real time is a real positive development for global public health, and the countries that make this type of surveillance should be congratulated."

Although the new strain seems to spread faster, here is the reason why medical agencies and other medical agencies are cautiously optimistic about the new COVID strain. And for more news about Covid-19, check whyDr. Faisci advises against this single security measure COVID.

Read the original article onBetter life.

There is no evidence that the new Covid strain makes people who are sick or more likely to die.

A young woman wearing a face mask in public to protect herself from COVID-19

In a statement, the chief doctor of EnglandChris Whitty says: "There is no current evidence to suggest thetension Causes a higher mortality rate ... Although urgent work is underway to confirm it. "

U.S. General SurgeonJerome Adams, MD, echoed this assessment onFace the nationDecember 20, tell the officials "have no indication" that the new strain "ismore dangerous or mortal May the strains that are currently there and we know. "And for more than what Adams said about the strain, checkA head of the White House has just given this warning on the new COVID mutation.

The mutations recorded so far occurs at a slower pace than those commonly observed with the flu.

Young team doing coronavirus research
Janiecbros / iStock

The flu constantly mutated, that's why you have to get there vaccinated every year. But the good news is that Covid mutes more slowly. "SARS-COV-2 ismutation at a much slower rate That the flu, "said Swaminathan at the press briefing.

"The mutations of the flu change very quickly from its surface proteins very quickly. We must constantly have a new influenza vaccine. Some viruses like measles do not change their surface proteins. And so the measles tour than we had 20 years still works, "former FDA CommissionerScott Gottlieb, MD, says onFace the nationDecember 20th. "Coronavirus seems somewhere in the middle. "And for more things about the difference between the two, departureThis "farfelu" symptom means you have Covid, not the flu.

Vaccines should also work against this new variant as well as the original.

Senior woman getting a vaccine from her doctor in her home during a house visit during the COVID-19 pandemic.
FatCamera / iStock

During a press conference of 19 December, the Chief Scientific Advisor of Great BritainPatrick Vallance stated that vaccines seemed to continue generating aimmune response at the new strain of Covid. And onMeet the pressDecember 20, the elected presidentJoe Biden's General nominee of the surgeon,Vivek mourthy, MD, said there was "no reason to believe that theVaccines that have been developed will not be effective against this virus. "

Gupta wine, MD, the Institute of Metric and Health Assessment, agreed in an interview with CNBCAsia Squawkbox December 21st. "There is a strong belief that the vaccine, as it exists today ... will haveEffectiveness in the protection of infectionFrom this new strain in England, in addition to the old strain we have mentioned for months now, "said Gupta. And for more regular updates on COVID,Sign up for our daily newsletter.

Scientists will be able to develop a new vaccine before moving.

vial of coronavirus vaccine

AtTo face the nation,GottlieB said the coronavirus will continue to "mutate and change its surface proteins, but it is probably quite slow that we can develop new vaccines".

Jesse Bloom, an evolving biologist at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle, echoed this feeling, tellingThe New York Timesthat "no one should fear that there is aUnique catastrophic mutation which suddenly makes immunity and all unnecessary antibodies. "

"It will be a process that occurs on the time scale of several years and requires the accumulation of multiple viral mutations," he added. "It will not be like an inactive switch." And for more information on the latest vaccine developments, seeThese states get less than the Covid vaccine than they told them.

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