20 Christmas tree decoration tips genius, according to experts

These decorative ideas for your Christmas tree wow anyone poses eyes on your festive tree.

SinceYour Christmas plans Perhaps a little different this year, you may need to bring an extra magic of vacation and encourage your living room - and nothing says the spirit of Christmas as a beautiful Christmas tree. In fact, with the rightOrnaments and lightsYour Christmas tree can be as majestic as a rockefeller level masterpiece in the center. Fortunately, you do not have to spend hundreds of dollars on decorations to achieve such a holiday excellence. Read someChristmas tree decoration ideas Since the benefits to make your tree bigger, Fuller, Shinier, Glitzier and more luxurious than ever before. And for more amusing trees trivia, here's30 incredible facts of Christmas trees to make an additional magical vacation.

Read the original article onBetter life.

Get the right tree.

man buying a christmas tree and carrying it

A great artist needs the good canvas. When buying your tree, make sure you adapt your choice to adapt to your decorations. A tree with visibly separated branches and many empty spaces would be the best to display large ornaments, which gives them a piece to breathe, while a more complete tree with close branches is the best for decoration strong garland .

And make sure you take your room into account when you choose a tree.David Daniken, a Christmas tree expert withDaniken Tree farm In Illinois, previously saidBetter life that you shouldshaft up it's going to sit downat least One foot under your ceiling. This takes into account the height of your tree holder and pull-out.

And for more vacation holidays to share with your family, here's55 Fun Christmas facts to get you into mind.

Make sure your lighting matches your tree.

artificial christmas tree with lights

Before buying a set of Christmas lights, it is important to consider what type of tree you have and the decorative color palette you want. For starters, the chain itself should blend into the tree. This means that green is the best for real trees, while black or white - depending on the tree itself - works best for artificials.

As for the color of bulbs,Christina Hill, a decoration coordinator atChristmas tree without hassle, recommends "combine] two or three colors that complement well [and] accentuate your tree."

In addition, you must decide between incandescent bulbs and the leaders. While the latter does not heat up and thus has aless chance to start a fire, the heat of the old will have your tree emitting a wonderful pine scent throughout the room. Just do not connect more than five sets of cords from 100 ampoules, warnsVinny nicastro ToChristmas decorators, or you could prepare for a dangerous situation.

Use two wreath strands for each vertical foot of your tree.

a christmas tree in a white living room christmas tree decorating tips

Decorating a Christmas tree consists of hitting the right balance. And while finding a ground of understanding finally notes to your personal taste, the experts ofThe Emporium of Christmas Light Exhort the use of 100 mini-lights and two strands of garland for each vertical foot of your tree. So, before you folled on this footer, you have always dreamed, you may first want to paddle your lighting budget. Nobody likes an illuminated sweet tree after all!

And for more information on American Christmas traditions, here is the20 Christmas ways is celebrated differently across the United States.

Keep your tree fed.

Person spraying their Christmas tree with water to keep it alive

Trees are living creatures and to keep them better, they must be fed. According to Penn State University'sDepartment of horticultureThis means placing them in a water basin that holds at least one gallon of water. As long as you have the tree on the screen in your home, this basin must be maintained fully at any time.

During the first week after installation, the trees will absorb more water that you could imagine, so it is crucial to be vigilant to keep the booth filled. With proper care, a fresh cutting tree is expected to last from four to six weeks, explains Hill. Once the needles are dry and brittle, it's time to go down this Holiday Helve emblem. Do not do it is not just a bad look; it couldpose a serious fire hazard!

Fluff the branches.

christmas tree farm

Before you start hanging lights, ornaments or garlands, it is important to take the robbery time each individual branch, ensuring that all that can have blocked together are separated. This could make your hands all tightly with the sap of your tree, but it's worth it: your tree will seem suddenly twice as big as it grows at its full potential.

In addition, do not be afraid to twist and turn the branches to make sure there are no empty spaces between them. Leave much of the emptiness will draw the attention of your decorations.

And for more information on how the most royal stars celebrate the holidays, here's15 Christmas Royat traditions you need to know about.

Use focal points.

christmas decor

Use five to seven focal points on your tree. Whether you use unique pieces, especially large ornaments, or flashing light strands interspersed with those traditional, these focal points will even have the most disorganized of trees seem to be well thought out artwork.

And for other vacation customs that you may not have heard of, here's15 strange Christmas traditions or forgotten person no longer does it.

Group your ornaments together.

An ornament cluster of gold ornaments hanging on a Christmas tree

You do not know how to create focal points on your tree? An easy way to do it is clusters of ornaments. Try using a wire to group three or more spheres together to create a cute bauble. This will not only contribute to creating focal points on your tree, but it will also reduce the time you spend decoration.

And for more things to do at home, this holiday season, here's20 great fun games to play on Christmas Eve.

Layer your lights.

Mother carrying her daughter on shoulder while decorating the Christmas tree
Miljko / iStock

Like the experts on the note of Lowe,Overlay lights on your Christmas tree Can make your tree pop. To do this, wrap the white lights a bit around the inside of your tree - enough to provide lighting, but not so much that they distract from the tree itself. Then wrap the colored lights around the outside of the tree, using sparingly as a culmination. With this technique, you will have a tree that does not only shine outward - but seems to be alive inside too.

Use variable sizes.

christmas tree decorating tips

Decorating a large tree consists of making subtle contrasts - and an easy way to create, that is to say to use multiple sizes. While the majority should be the tiny, glittering lights that do not transform your living room into light light, you should also start in some larger colorful lights.

For some holiday entertainment to take care of this year, here'sThe best Christmas movie of all time, according to critics.

Master the flicker effect.

holiday decor

This advice is not for fear of a small ingenuity. To create a "flicker effect" in your tree, try placing a flashing light chain at its base. The light will shine up through the branches and create an ethereal effect reminiscent of the woods outside the river.

These glittering lights can come to various speeds, so it is important to make sure you get a set that reproduces the glittering effect of a winter snowfall, and not something you would see in a club. If this is done correctly, the result is something as being placed in perpetual bullshit.

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Create depth with your ornaments.


To bring more dimension to your tree, hook ornaments at different distances from the center. Disperse your ornaments uniformly on your tree, the Lowe letter pros that you can "create depth" and turn your tree into a real masterpiece.

For songs, you are tired of Towards Christmas, checkThe most hated Christmas songs of all time.

Hang on your best ornaments first.

Christmas Eve traditions

In theHubbub which is the holiday seasonIt's easy to precipitate the decoration process and placing your Willy-Nilly-just ornaments to be done with it. But if you want your Christmas tree to be the desire for your neighbors, methodically choose your favorite ornaments and leave it first, ensuring that they receive an important investment. After that, hang the rest of your ornaments while keeping in mind the need to maintain balance.

Use ribbon to decorate your tree.

A Christmas tree decorated with ornaments and ribbon

The ribbons areAn excellent addition to any holiday decor, if you attach a bow to your belovedChristmas gift Or add a visual call to your banister. Even better, however, uses a variety of ribbons to accentuate by different parts of your tree.

So thin or thick, plaid or plain, silk or canvas, place many ribbons radically differently on the same tree instead of garland will create serious visual attraction. As a style expertBrad Schmidtexplained on Balsam Hill's website, "Ribbon gives you endless waysDress your tree, if you want a classic look or prefer a dramatic design. "

And if you use a ribbon as garland is not your style, you can always create oversized tape arches to hang in the branches of your tree instead of traditional ornaments.

And for more obsolete holiday traditions that should be brought back, here is here13 Christmas traditions in the old one that we should revive.

Design around a theme.

purple and gold ornaments on christmas tree

A tree can make a major impression when designed around a single theme. Whether it's a color, a holiday symbol, or even a specific ornament style, choose a central theme will give your tree the unit that it would miss otherwise.

Use natural elements.

A pinecone on a Christmas tree

In Harken back to the organic origin of your tree andBoost the visual call of your home, bring natural elements like decorative strengths on your Christmas tree. The cones of pines, feathers, twigs and bays are all excellent additions to your existing greenery.

Go minimal.

A Christmas tree with minimal decorations

If you can not trust the decoration of your tree in such a way, do not hesitate to browse a "jane plain" appearance, standing of your tree to show its natural beauty.

Find the ideal location for your tree.

Man putting gifts under the Christmas tree preparing for a New Year holidays at home

To show your artistic holiday talent, be sure to place your tree near a large window preferably on the street. Just do not put ittoo much Near the window: asChristmas tree expert Depictpreviously explained toBetter lifeThis can prevent the light from the natural sun from entering your home and warm the room.

Use false flowers to fill chaleau spots.

pointsettia closeup on christmas tree

Uses floral-fake flowers peakements adhered to a decorative branch, for the uninitiated - to fill spaces in your cheating tree? May be. Will this make your tree or neighbors far and wide? Absoutely. Despite what theNatural Naysayers can tell you that nothing goes hard to stick in some false flowers here and there to finish your tree.

Coordinate your packaging paper with your decorations.

christmas tree in loft decorated in red and gold ornaments with matching wrapping paper

It's not about your tree, in itself, but it's an important step to make it better than it can be. Choosing packaging paper that matches your decorations will ensure that once the gifts are placed under the tree, it will not be overshadowed, but accentuated. If it is too difficult to find a match, try light brown paper and a complementary colorful bow.

Go back and look at your tree when you're done.

young black father and toddler son decorating christmas tree

Chances are, your tree is greater or at least as big as you are. If this is the case, it is almost impossible to determine if it is well decorated while standing right in front of it.

So, make sure to take a step step from time to time and size from far away, as well as different angles. Unless your tree is in a corner, it will be seen on all sides, you will want to make sure it is in the shape of the head.

And for more last minute gifts to add under your tree,The 50 best Amazon gifts less than $ 50.

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