This scary symptom affects the most vulnerable covidant patients

This surprising symptom could indicate Covid in elderly patients.

As if the coronavirus novel was not scary enough, some elders faceA particularly disturbing symptom of COVID-19: delirium. In addition to more apparent threats to the health of a person of the virus (respiratory failure and head of damage to the lungs of them), delirium complicates an illness already confusing and terrifying.

ASeptember study King College London revealed that the delirium of a malfunction caused by the disease or intoxication is a COVID key symptom among fragile people and the elderly. Patients presented the thought or an incoherent speech,Confusion or loss of memory, As well as agitation, which makes much more difficult for doctors to make a diagnosis by hindering the patient's ability to communicate their symptoms. On top of that,Cnn recently reported thatDue to different immune responsesThe elderly populations sometimes have less known Covid symptoms such as cough and fever. Unfortunately, this is reflected in some of the most vulnerable patients who receive a late diagnosis, if they receive at all.

The study, which was published in the journalAge and aging Noted that, in the absence of these most famous symptoms, the delirium itself could help identify COVID cases in the elderly. Using the Covid Application Symptom Study, researchers followed data for patients aged 65 and over who were admitted to Saint-Thomas Hospital in London. They discovered that the rates ofabrupt appearance delirium were significantly higher in patients classified as "fragile" than patients of the same age who were not. One on five hospitalized patients displayed delirium as the only symptom, and one third of experienced delirious application users, without coughing or fever. This suggests that without an increased awareness of delirium as a symptom of Covid, many cases may not be diagnosed.

Pink penfold, MD, author of the study, explained: ". Older, the most fragile are more at risk of Covid-19 than those who are in better form, and our results show that delirium is a key symptom in this group doctors and caregivers should monitor for anyChanges in the mental state In the elderly, such as confusion or strange behavior, and be aware that this could be an early sign of coronavirus infection ".

But delirium is not the only symptom that mainly affects older populations. Read more For more symptoms to look outside for if you are over 65 and over for surprising coronavirus symptoms, see the5 new COVID symptoms doctors report.

Extreme Fatigue

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AsCnn reports, seniors sometimes have withsymptoms that are considered "atypical" For the general population. "They can sleep more than usual," the news release explains, highlighting how subtle these symptoms can be for some patients. Others have a more markedfatigue or lethargy, Making them unable to fill their daily routines. And to learn more about how Covid could affect you, consult7 Celebrities with Covid scary long-term symptoms.


Senior man drink mineral water in gym fitness center after exercise. Elderly healthy lifestyle.

Elderly people are more likely to experience dehydration due to COVID-19, depending onCnn. "One of the main effects of viral infections is dehydration, that body fights byBy increasing its temperature, Which often causes a fever; it means that youlose more water By evaporation of the skin and the respiration even ", explainsBlanca Lizaola-Mayo, MD, gastroenterologist and co-founder of SOS hydration.


Elderly asian woman on wheelchair at home with daughter take care

Although unexplainedweightloss Could indicate a series of diseases, it could point to Covid in the elderly. In addition to causing dehydration, Lizaola-Mayo explains that "viruses can also lose your appetite (another source of hydration) and some may even cause diarrhea, vomiting or both. In advanced age, a loss of appetite can cause greater fragility, bring them at increased risk for other complications. And to learn more about what your sudden weight loss can try to tell you, consult the11 subtle signs that your fast weight loss is something serious .


Elderly woman fallen, people helping

Sam Torbati , MD, Ruth Medical Director and Harry Roman Emergency Service at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, told Cnn his experience in The treatment of elderly patients Who "first appear to be traumatized patients" but positive tests later for coronavirus. "They become weak and dehydrated," Torbati explained, "and when they walk, they collapse and seriously injured. If you or someone like the experiments of an unexplained fall, it is useful to consider whether they have demonstrated other symptoms of COVIDs that can point to a diagnosis.

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