That's exactly when Dr. Fauci says we can "throw our masks away"
The best infectious infectious expert in the nation says we have a little time before we can go out without covers.

After tireless months of research and testing, the world was finally treated for some good news recently when Pfizer and Modernames have both announced that they were each in the last stages ofDevelop a safe and efficient coronavirus vaccine. And while both of the rates of success above 90% of 90%, experts still cautious that the deployment process does not translate into certain daily health measures disappearing from night significance, even with a vaccine, even with a vaccine. We will not stop wearing masks, according toAnthony Fauci, MD. But that does not mean a future without mask is not on the horizon either. Read it to see what Fauci had to say when we actually have made PPE, and for more than the pandemic hits the worst, discoverWhat is the gravity of the COVID epidemic in your state.
In an interview withThe New York Times Posted on November 19, Kaiser Health News EditorEthrow away our masks away"The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) has projected that theRecent new inoculation news meant that the chronology should more and more clearly, but that things would not necessarily return to "normal" immediately. "I think we will have some measure of public health measures with the vaccine for a considerable period," he said, "butWe will start approaching the normal - if the overwhelming majority of people take the vaccine - as we enter the third or fourth quarter [of 2021]."
asked for Fuci, "When do you think we will all be able toFauci continued to describe what he thought of the elected presidentJoe Biden should do to cope with the pandemic when he assumed the office in January, suggesting thatEPP is a proven solution for currently soarly numbers. "I think there should be a universal port of masks," he said. "If we can accomplish this with local mayors, governors, local authorities, a fine. Otherwise, we should consider seriously nationally."
But he also clarified that his recommendations did not mean as a threat to return toFull corporate stop As the country has seen during the first days of the pandemic. Instead, a coherent national strategy would help ensure that everyone was on the same page when he came to health policy.
"I really want to be explicit about it, because every time I'm talking about simple things like a wearing of uniform masks, keeping physical distance, avoiding crowds (especially inside), to do things outdoors to the extent possible with time and wash your hands frequently, that does not mean close the country, "he explained." You can still have a considerable amount of margin of maneuver for businesses, for economic recovery, if you simply make these things simple. But what we see, unfortunately, it's a very disparate answer to that. And it inevitably leads to the kind of overall we see now. "
The best doctor of the nation's infectious disease also explained what other risky behavior it was still suspicious. Reading on whichplaces that Fauci said you should avoidAnd for more things on how to keep you and others safe, checkThis is the easiest way to say if you have been exposed to Covid.
Read the original article onBetter life.
1 Planes

Fauci, 79 years old, said that anyone is high of risk as it shouldAvoid "flying on a plane". And for more advice on this topic, checkThe CDC has just published this shocking Thanksgiving warning.
2 Restaurants

Just because you really want your favorite dish does not mean that it's safe dinner, especially sinceThose who ate and drank can not wear masks while they do it. "If we are in the hot area of how we are now, where there are so many infections, I would feel quiteuncomfortable even be in a restaurant. And especially if it was at full capacity, "said Fauci. And for more new COVIDs delivered directly to your inbox,Sign up for our daily newsletter.
3 Bars

Fuci, who wasTell for monthsthat the watering holes can be some of the most risky places for the propagation of COVID-19, reiterate its long-standing concern in its interview withThe New York Times. "The bars are really problematic. I have to tell you that if you look at some of the epidemics we've seen, it's when people go to the bars,cluttered bars, "he says." I would think that if there is something you want to spend at the moment, it's the bars. "And for more information on the last time with the Covid vaccine, discoverDr. Fuci says that many people should be vaccinated to stop Covid.
4 Public transport

Although it may not be an option for everyone, avoid the use of charmed public transit is probably always in the best interests of those who are high-risk. "It depends on your individual circumstances. If you are someone who is in the highest risk category, as best as possible,Do not travel anywhere"He said." If you go somewhere, you have a car, you are in your car for yourself, do not mount on a crowded metro, do not get on a cluttered bus. "
But Fuci said that it did not mean that everyone had to avoid these means of transport. "If you are a 25-year-old child who has no underlying conditions, it's a lot different," he explained. And for more signs, you could come with something, discoverIf you notice these 3 strange symptoms, you can have COVID, the study says.

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