It is who transmits 40% of cases of coronaviruses, says CDC

Many people are contagious without even knowing - and they spend Covid-19 on.

A recent report of theDisease and Prevention Control Centers (CDC) reveals new interesting data on how the coronavirus is transmitted. It turns out, individuals withCoronavirus who do not have symptoms can be the most dangerous of all. According to the CDC report, 35% of all coronavirus patients do not have any symptoms. The CDC also estimates that 40% of all coronavirus transmissions, that is, thePassage of contagion from one person to another-comepeople who do not have any symptoms, or because they are asymptomatic or because they are pre-sympathetic (which means that their symptoms have not yet appeared).

This reaffirms the notion that even if you feel healthy, you should always respect social distance andMask guidelines Present through the working group on the coronavirus of the White House.

The CDC has also updated its current "best estimate" concerning the mortality rate, stating that 0.4% of the symptomatic people of coronaviruses will die, which is much lower thanwhich was originally projected. The agency says that its estimates are based on data collected before April 29 and that most estimates will continue to evolve and modify more reliable data emerging.

As much as the country begins aPrudent and progressive approach to reopeningA debate began with merits of social distancing and mask wear to continue reducing the coronavirus epidemic. While there are encouraging news abouttherapeutic drugs and onecoronavirus vaccineNothing materially changed to beat Covid-19, whose epidemic decreased largely due to social distance. And for more about what's upcoming, checkHere's how the second wave of coronavirus could be even worse.

Categories: Health
Tags: Coronavirus / News
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