The worst face covering, according to the fastest supercomputer in the world
This facial coating is almost as useless as not to wear mask at all.

Throughout the pandemic, there were a lot of discussions around whichcoating is the most effective in preventing the transmission of COVID. You want to know what kind of mask will keep you safer, of course, but you should also knowWhich facial coatings to avoid. Recently, the fastest supercomputer in the world has performed tests to analyze the effectiveness of various face coatings and concluded that face shields were the worst facial coating option.
According to an August report inNikkei Asian Review,The Japanese Supercomputer Fugaku has modeled theEfficiency of facial shields By blocking the cough of a person wearing a face shield. The model has shown that larger droplets of 50 microns or more blocked on the inner surface of the shield, but smaller or smaller smaller droplets have been capable of slipping through the gaps around the shield. The study also examined the effectiveness of cotton, polyester and nonwoven masks incough. The nonwoven mask was considered the most effective. However, the three facial masks have outperformed the face shield, blocking at least 80% of the viral spray.

And this is not the only study to conclude that face shields are not a form of useful protection. A study of September 1 published byFluid physicsCough simulated and sneezing From a mannequin mouth and a laser light used to visualize the expelled droplets. This study revealed that the face shields could only block "the initial movement of the expired jet". After the initial jet, theTough droplets Or sneeze could move easily around the visor.
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Although disease control and prevention centers (CDC) have already posted advice adviceDo not recommend using a face shield By substituting a mask, it was not enough to dissuade some people. But with these two studies as later evidence, it seems clear that face shields are one of the worstcoating Options when it comes to trying to protect yourself from COVID. And to find out when you can go beyond your face covering entirely,Dr. Fuci says it's when we may stop wearing masks.