FDA has just released a warning about this COVID measure

The agency says a coronavirus test can not provide proper results.

Prevent the propagation of coronavirus is an essential step in the control of the pandemic. Tests have long been one of the main areas of interest, because people are invited to isolate if they receive a positive result to avoid covid spread to someone else. However, this method can not be foolproof in particular depending on the type of test used. In fact, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has just released a warning about the possibility of inaccurate results with a specific COVID test. Continue reading to know which test the organization is concerned about, and for more new coronaviruses,If this part of your body hurts, you might have Covid.

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The FDA states that tests have healing the ability to produce false negative results.

Woman holding COVID testing swab

The FDA issued a warning on January 4th to alert patients and health care providers ofFalse Covid Covid Test Results. According to the report, this COVID test is particularly inclined to give false negative results "when the test is not performed in accordance with its authorization or as described in the authorized labeling. Made by curative, this real-time PCR test is intended forProvide results within 48 hours. However, the FDA says that the test is often used in good circumstances, which creates a "biggest risk" of inaccurate results.

A spokesperson said curativeBetter life"We hope to share more data very quickly and cooperate with the FDA on this issue. And for more COVID warnings,Dr. Fauci just launched this warning about another new COVID strain.

The test is not intended for use by everyone.

Man getting a drive up COVID test

According to the FDA, tests should be curative by a trained health professional and should not be used in symptomatic patients within 14 days of their appearance of VVID symptoms. During a clinical study for this test, allfalse negatives were observed in asymptomatic patients at the time of their test.

The FDA said that a negative result for a curative test means that you do not necessarily have the virus, and it "should not be used as a single base for patient treatment or management decisions. The test must mainly be used to confirm the virus in those alreadySymptoms of Revelers Covid. And for more information up to date,Sign up for our daily newsletter.

There are several risks that could result from a false negative.


The FDA issued this warning because there are adverse effects related to obtaining a false negative. "The risks for a patient of a false negative result include: a delay or lack of support treatment, the lack of follow-up of infected persons and their homes or other contacts close to the symptoms resulting in an increased risk of propagation. COVID-19 in the community, or other unexpected adverse events, "the FDA said. And for more coronavirus risks,These people are more likely to catch the new Covid strain, reveals a study.

The tests are used curative in various regions of the country.

woman getting tested at drive thru covid testing

As Start-up based in Los Angeles,Tests of thousand curative inhabitants of Los Angeles every day, theLos Angeles Business Journal reports. However, the company also has Florida and Texas test sites. And according to NBC,Curative recently extended to Washington, DC To test the members of the Congress after a peak in COVID cases in Congress.

If you have any concerns about your results and fear that you will proceed to a curative test, the FDA says you need to contact your health care provider. In addition, you should have received an information sheet next to your test results report with the test name displayed on what you can confirm the manufacturer. And for more advice from the FDA,The FDA has just decided that you can not do these 4 things with Covid vaccines.

Better life Constantly monitoring the latest news regarding COVID-19 in order to keep you healthy, safe and informed. Here are the answers to yourBurning questions, theways you can stay safelyand in good health, thefactsYou must know, therisksyou should avoid, themythsYou must ignore, and the symptoms to know. Click here for all our COVID-19 covers , and Subscribe to our newsletter stay up to date.

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Tags: Coronavirus / News
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