If you bought this from Costco, stop it immediately
All models of this popular product have been recalled due to a potential fire.

Everyone loves a trip to Costco to load on the necessities. But from time to time, you are probably flexing on something special, too. And if you are delivered in some autonomous products on the wholesaler recently, you must examine your purchase closely because a reminder has been published on a massager sold exclusively in Costco. Read more to find out more, and for another popular product, you have to stop using,If you have this in your drug cabinet, the FDA says to get rid of it.
Massimo Motor Sportsrecalled all the models of their massimo percussion massage pistols On 6 January, according to an announcement published by the US Commission of the Consumer Products Safety Commission (CPCC). The products were sold exclusively on the Costco website from April to 2020. According to CPSC, Massimo had to remember about 12,360 massagers due to a potential fire. Products have an integrated rechargeable lithium-ion battery system that can overheat and cause a fire. "Massimo has received three fire reports with recalled massage guns that have resulted in more than $ 15,000 of material damage," says the CPSC report. Fortunately, no physical injury has been reported so far.
The massagers in question were all marked with the model number EM003 and were sold in four colors: black, silver, gold and blue. If you have one of the masseurs recalled at home, the CPSC says you should stop using it immediately and contact Massimo for a full refund.
These massage weapons are not, however, the only recalled products of Costco. For more recalled items, you may have bought from Costco, keep reading and another recently recalled product, beware thatIf you have this in your refrigerator, throw it now, says FDA.
Read the original article onBetter life.
1 Fake poinssetties

If you have not yet put your Christmas decorations, you may want to check them before going to storage. CG Hunter dueRemember the False poinsettia centerpiece room, which were sold in Costco this year, after a possible microbial activity was discovered on the leaves of the plants. These fake flowers can be returned to Costco for a full refund. And for more updated news on reminders,Sign up for our daily newsletter.
2 Rough wipes

Rinse cotonelle wipes, also sold by Costco,had to be recalled this year Due to the discovery of a possible microbial activity, according to a declaration by the manufacturer Kimberly-Clark. If you bought these wipes from Costco between February 14th and October 8, 2020,You should not use them And return them for a full refund. And for more hygienic products, you should not use, know thatIf you use this rinse-mouth, the FDA says to stop immediately.
3 Garden pruners

Last month, Fiskars Brandsissued a voluntary reminder For the Stretch Pole Pole Saw of Fiskars 16 ', which were sold at Costco. According to their recall announcement, the pole and the secateur can separate into rare circumstances, causing a decrease in saw blade and the head of secer, posing a potential risk of laceration. If you purchased this article between January 1, 2019 to September 14, 2020, send it back to Costco for a full refund. And for more garden risks,If you use this in your yard, the CPSC says stop immediately.
4 Convenient

AReminder for several modus furniture chests have been issued In June after identifying a major risk. According to the CPSP report, these conveniences, available for the purchase of Costco between November 2017 and 2019, are unstable and can switch if the mirror is not installed. The CPSC says that the commutation retaining kits of the dresser "do not comply with the performance requirements of the US voluntary industry standard". And for more reminder of households to be conscious, know thatIf you have this in your room, stop using it now.

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