These 2 states go against the Vaccine Recommendations of the CDC
Public servants choose to ignore the guidelines of the CDC vaccination group.

As we devote vaccinations of the first priority group and we are preparing for the next round, Americans are looking for the recommendations of disease control and prevention centers (CDC) for the next step. However, it seemsSome states can ignore The suggestions of the Institute. Although many are on board with the health workers' vaccine and those of long-term care facilities first, some states are not so sure of subsequent guidelines. To see which states have decided to change the order of vaccine priorities, read it and for more vaccines, discoverThe unique effect of Dr. Fauci is worried with his next shot of Covid.
The CDC recommends that the next vaccine cycle have access to essential workers and people over 75.

Once health staff and people in long-term care facilities are vaccinated, theCDC suggests Switch to essential workers and anyone over 75. Essential workers include teachers, police, emergency stakeholders, firefighters, grocery officers, transport workers and others whose jobs do not Can not be done at home. After these two groups, the CDC recommends adults with high-risk medical conditions and that anyone over 65 is vaccinated next.
However,These are just recommendationsAnd, finally, the order of vaccinations will be determined by each individual state, which will result in some differences on WHO will have access to the vaccine earlier. And for more information up to date,Sign up for our daily newsletter.
Texas changes the order of priority groups.

TheTexas Department of State Health Services (DSHS) announced on December 21, which they choose to ignore the recommendations of the CDC, according toThe week. Rather than vaccinating the following key workers, Texas would inoculate anyone over 65, those who are pregnant and people withHigh-risk health conditions, including cancer, chronic renal disease, heart disease, obesity, diabetes and sickle disease.
"The next wave is going to bedifferent by state, "ADM.Brett GiroirAssistant Secretary of the Ministry of Health and Social Services, stated in December 27.Fox News Sunday. Giroir pointed out that the Governor of TexasGreg AbbottPlanned to deviate from the CDC recommendations to prioritize people over 65 years. "Because it's the people who go to hospitals," said Giroir. "This is not the front-line 24-year-old worker who is at low risk of getting the infection and a very low risk of serious result of this but more than 65 years." And dispel some common misconceptions,Dr. Fauci simply demystated the 4 biggest myths on the Covid vaccine.
Florida gives priority to people over 70 years old.

Texas is not the only state that escapes you suggestions from the CDC. According to Giroir, governor of FloridaRon Desantis gives priority to anyone over 70 years old. Giroir said we would expect to see other states make similar decisions.
"I think this variability is essential essential because hospitals fill up, the first priority must really have to save lives and reduce the burden of hospitals," said Giroir. "You see that in Texas and Florida, and you will probably see that in many other states." And for more information on vaccine deployment,If you did it in 2020, you can get your Covid vaccine earlier.
Giroir believes that teachers should not be raised in priority groups.

According to the CDC recommendations, teachers are at the next step for vaccinations as essential workers, but the giroir does not agree with this order. "Young healthy teachers should be more numerous than healthy young people in another profession," he said.
Giroir believes that teachers should be displaced "further in the priority ladder, because we need to take care of those who are vulnerable - who will die, who will be hospitalized - first." And for more information on how the vaccine will affect you,The CDC warns you to prepare these side effects of Covid vaccine. .

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