If you do not have in your home, you are at risk of COVID

Health experts say that this a home tool could make all the difference in preventing the spread of COVID.

Protection against coronavirus is even more important now, the United States reaching the new Victory of Covid's death daily. And although you can think that you are safe when you are inside, your home could be one of the places where you should be the most worried about protecting you. According to an October report of disease control and prevention centers (CDC), if someone from your home is infected, theprobability of someone else at home to be infected is more than 50%. And health experts say that if you do not have a humidifier in your home, you can make your risk of covidation even higher. Continue reading to find out how to have a humidifier could protect you from coronavirus and for more information on the spread of the virus,You are more likely to catch Covid in this surprising place, study.

Stephanie Taylor, aInfection Control Consultant At Harvard Medical School and Medical Advisor for Condair Group, said weak moisture is the ideal environmental condition for viruses, including Covid-to survive for long periods of time. She says that in low moisture environments, when "an infected person sneezing or cadars, the particles remain in the air longer, thus increasing the risk of spreading the virus to others."

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recommends thatThe inner humidity levels fall between 40 and 60% relative humidity (RH) to reduce the chances of propagation of infectious particles. AsJenna Liphart Rhoads, Doctorate, a nurse and aHealth Education Advisor To nurse together, notes, winter conditions are not exactly favorable to these levels.

"Outdoor air in winter is usually much drier than falling autumn, summer and spring, and home race and house heating systems make indoor air becoming less moistened" , explains Rhoads. "In addition, the mucous membranes inside the nose are becoming drier in the winter months due to dry air, and they become more likely to viral infection."

To help increase moisture at the levels recommended by the EPA, Taylor says that a humidifier is the best home tool you can use. The increase in HR in your home will make the survival of viral particles more difficult. Rhoads says that adding a home humidifier can also increase "moisture in nasal mucous membranes", which could also help prevent airborne viral infection.

Many health experts are so convinced of the relationship between moisture and Covid broadcasting thatThey joined the forces to persuade the World Health Organization (WHO) to create regulations on internal humidity levels. They say that moisture levels of less than 40% HR allow respiratory viruses to develop by three different means: an alteration of the defenses of the respiratory immune system, which increases the "float time" of the virus and the creation of time longer survival for the virus.

Of course, do not have a humidifier is not the only way you increase your chances of coronavirus infection. Read on for more mistakes that could endanger you, and if you are afraid to get sick,This strange pain could be the first sign you have COVID, the study says.


Man driving a car puts on a medical mask during an epidemic in quarantine city. Health protection, safety and pandemic concept. Covid- 19.

Going from your house to your car will not help you a lot if you make this mistake. A study published in theAdvance of scienceJournal on December 4 had researchers to usecomputer models to simulate the flow of air inside a car It was loosely based on a Toyota Prius with various combinations of open and closed windows. They found that the combination that led to the highest risk of Covid wearing all four closed windows, while several people were in the car. And if you wonder what the coronavirus is really like,Ellen Degeneres reveals the "one thing they do not tell you" from Covid.

Running your ceiling fan

wooden ceiling fan on bright white ceiling

Do not assume that your heaters are the only thing that puts you in danger. The execution of your ceiling fan could be as dangerous. A German aerosol team called the German Working Committee on Particles Recentlyidentified some of the worst risk of ventilation at home and found that "ceiling fans recirculate air, probably holdingvirus particles In the air longer. "And for more future of the pandemic,Dr. Fauci simply demystated the 4 biggest myths on the Covid vaccine.

Spend time with your spouse

Face-to-face cuddling couple sleeping position

Sorry for all married couples - but your spouse is the most likely to give you Covid. A meta-analysis published in the magazineJama Open Open NetworkDecember 14 found that spouses wereResponsible for transmission in nearly 38% of coronavirus casesOut of 54 studies that spanned 20 countries and nearly 78,000 subjects. And for more information up to date,Sign up for our daily newsletter.

Eat out

People eating in restaurant together

All these household concerns should not hunt at the nearest restaurant, but, as is one of the most dangerous places to be. A CDC study, published on September 11 revealed that "adults with SARS-COV-2 positive results were about twice as likely to have reporteddining room in a restaurant that those with a negative of the SARS-COV-2 the results of the tests. And to learn more about coronavirus risks,If you have this type of blood, you are at a high risk of severe covidation.

Better life Constantly monitoring the latest news regarding COVID-19 in order to keep you healthy, safe and informed. Here are the answers to yourBurning questions, theways you can stay safelyand in good health, thefactsYou must know, therisksyou should avoid, themythsYou must ignore, and thesymptomsto know.Click here for all our COVID-19 covers, andSubscribe to our newsletter stay up to date.

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