This common pain can be a sign of a case of aggravation of Covid, the study says

Research shows that you should not ignore this pain in the middle of the pandemic as you might have before.

TheCoronavirus can affect each part of the body, lungs in the heart and even the brain. In fact, more and more research has been published on the susceptibility of the brain in Covid. And new research highlights the fact that one of the most frequently experienced people could be a neurological symptom in relation to the virus. According to a recent study, a headache can not be something you want to brush like common pain: it could be a sign that you could have a case of aggravation of Covid. Read on why, and if you are concerned about your thrilling head, here'sHow to know if your headache is actually coronavirus.

The study, published in theAnnals of clinical and translational neurologyJournal on October 5, included 509Coronavirus patients in various northwest medicine hospitals in the Chicago region. The researchers found that nearly 38% of these patients experienced headaches at some point in their career. According to their conclusions, those with serious Covid were more likely to experience this neurological symptom and others.

"It's theFirst study of the genre in the United States, "Co-study authorIgor Koralnik, MD, which oversees the Neuro Covid-19 Clinic of Memorial Northwestern Hospital, said in a statement. "There are only two other published documents describing the prevalence of neurological manifestations of hospitalized COVID-19 patients in China and Europe."

Woman with a PMS headache

Researchers also found that 82% of patients hospitalized with coronavirusexperienced neurological symptoms at a given moment During their course of the disease, whether at the appearance of symptoms or during hospitalization.

However, about 43% have experienced neurological symptoms at the beginning of their illness, as opposed to nearly 63%, which have experienced these symptoms in the hospital. Therefore, headaches - like one of the most common neurological covidant symptoms - could meanYour case progresses hospitalization.

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"Patients with neurological events have experienced longer hospitalization," said the study. Researchers also concluded that encephalopathy was "associated with a functional result worse in hospitalized patients with COVID-19 andcan have lasting effects. "

Encephalopathy is aGeneral term for cerebral disease, damage or malfunctions. According to the study, nearly 32% of hospitalized patients ended up having this modified cerebral function that oftenmanifests itself as a headache.

In the end, more than two-thirds of patients who experienced damaged brain function were unable to take care of themselves for days after leaving hospitalization. On the other hand, 90% of patients who did not develop encephalopathy could take care of themselves after their discharge.

"Patients and clinicians need to be aware of the high frequency of neurological events of COVID-19 and the severity of the modified mental function associated with this disease," said Koralnik. And for more risk factors for coronavirus complications,That's why you could be subject to a serious case of COVID.

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Tags: Coronavirus / News
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