Mr. Fauci says it's "very unlikely" that you would get coronavirus in this way

But simply because guidance has changed, it does not mean that your surfaces are safe by 100%.

Even nearly six months in the coronavirus pandemic, scientists and medical experts discover even more information every day that helps us better understand Covid-19. That being said, the assault on the evolution of information can also create a praying and constant change when it comes to the best ways to stay safe andReduce our risk COVID-19. Maybe the most important of these topics is exactlyHow the coronavirus propagates. The initial warnings of medical experts have all concerned us about the United States.Clear common surfaces And all we brought to the house. But according to the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID)Anthony Fauci, MD, it is actually very unlikely that you would get coronavirus from an inanimate object.

In an instagram live interview with actorMatthew McConaughey On Instagram Live, Fauci was asked ifContaminated surfaces were able to propagate the virus. His answer quickly arranged the facts: "It is conceivable but very unlikely that you can pass it through inanimate inanimate objects ... DOORKNOBS, or computers. This can happen, but it is [a] a very minor component of transmission. "

Fauci continued to explain how early studies on the new coronavirus may have misleaded researchers to think about theThe virus was mainly transmitted by touching objects. "What the investigators did is that they have shown and that you have shown that you can get fabric surfaces for 72 hours," he explained. "What has not been shown is that it's a sufficient inoculum to actually transmit. It is therefore absolutely true that you can isolate [the virus] handle handles, steel, [or] chrome for 72 hours, but we did not think it's a major modality for transmission. "

Instead, wealthy that the most recent evidence indicates entirelyDifferent transmission method: person to anyone. "Greatly, it's a person [Spread] to a person through the respiratory road," he said. "The droplets are aerosolized from one person to another."

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But just because you are very unlikely that the coronavirus with a contaminated surface does not mean it's impossible. "High stain surfaces such as balustrades and doorkins, elevator buttons arenot the main driver of infection In the United States, "comparative immunistorBromage Erin, PhD, Professor of Biology at the University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth toldThe New York Timesat the end of May. "But it's always a bad idea to touch your face. If someone who is infectious coughs on their hand and shakes your hand and you rub your eyes - yes, you are infected. Someone drinks glass , and you pick it up near the rim and later, rub your eyes or mouth, you are infected. "

For this reason, the disease control and prevention centers (CDC) stillRecommends a regular hand washing In addition to carrying a face mask and social distancing like the best combination to stop the propagation of coronavirus. And for more on what happens when youto do Get Covid, checkThis is the first sign you have coronavirus, the study says.

Better life Constantly monitoring the latest news regarding COVID-19 in order to keep you healthy, safe and informed. Here are the answers to yourBurning questions, theways you can stay safelyand in good health, thefactsYou must know, therisksyou should avoid, themythsYou must ignore, and thesymptomsto know.Click here for all our COVID-19 covers, andSubscribe to our newsletter stay up to date.

Categories: Health
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