Dr. Fauci says that these 2 places must close now

The great illecial infectious expert says they are too dangerous with COVID continuing to overcome.

With cases of coronavirus continuing to overcome throughout the United States, local officials are more and moreWHEREAS the plans for reopening their states. As public health and medical experts have come to understand how CIVID-19 is transmitted, current generalized infections have clearly indicated that locations pose more danger than others.That's why Anthony Fauci, MD, indicates that bars and restaurants need to close to avoid spreading the virus while schools need to be held open. Read to see why the top medical expert thinks that a change is justified, for more information on the propagation of the virus, checkIt's the only time someone with Covid can not make you sick, says doctor.

While comparing via a video at a press conference held by New York Gov.Andrew Cuomo December 7, Fauci supported the executive on the issue of suspended learning whileBars and restaurants remain open through the state. Despite the initial concerns that students would have high infection rates when the classrooms are reopened, Fauci argued that "we do not find that with this coronavirus". He added: "The positivity of tests in schools is actually really weak, which is really a good thing."

The National Allergy and Infectious Disease Institute (NIAID) stated that the current policy of keeping closed schools was in contradiction with restaurants that continue to offer restaurants and bars inside to serve customers from L State of the Empire, claiming that the government could use an economic stimulus to protect workers and virus customers by paying these companies to close. "As long as you subsidize and help restorers and bar owners so they do not fail and basically crash because of the economic strain ..." said Fuci. "If we can keep these things under control, subsidizing these people, as well as open schools, we would be in good shape."

But bars and restaurants are not the only places that cause medical experts concerned about cases of excessive covidation. Read it to see where else is considered a high risk and for more than where the virus is spreading, checkAlmost all the transmission of Covid goes in these 5 places, says doctor.

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couple wearing face masks checking in with hotel concierge
Shutterstock / Space_cat

The trip can beexpressly advised against recently by disease control and prevention centers (CDC), but did not stop millions of Americans fromhit the road and take the sky. The agency says that travel "increases your chances of getting and propagating Covid-19", ranking in a hotel likevery risky In their guidelines, only only to stay in an inn or dormitory style home. And for more information on the size of the current state of the pandemic, checkEach state should be locked with the exception of these 3, researchers notify.


smiling young woman holding coffee cup and dialing in cafeteria, with copy space

As the rooms that are made to be comfortable and inviting by designs, cafes and cafes are mainly constructed for long periods of reading inside, catching up or working on a laptop. Unfortunately, this risky behavior can have consequences: according to a study published by the CDC in September, it has been found that8.5% of people who have tested positive for COVID had recently visited these places when grouped with bars. And for more information on the last virus,Sign up for our daily newsletter.

Places of worship

People wearing masks in church

The houses have long been considered as high-risk places, namely because they bring together a large crowd of people packaged closely inside who are likely to sing and release potentially infected droplets in the air. The same CDC study revealed that 7.8% of people who have been positive for Covid were recently in a worship house. And for more times when you could potentially put the pandemic behind us, discoverYour life will be "Back to normal" this month, the White House says.

Car rides

Young woman wearing disposable face mask while riding in car. Mask is Disposable Earloop Face Mask with Filters against Bacteria.

Even if your recent trip may not involve the jet-paste on the continent, you can always put yourself at risk when traveling through the city of a Uber service or another floodpoint being in a small space closed with a stranger.

Fortunately, a studyled by a team of brown academic researchers and published in theAdvance of science Journal On December 4 found that you can significantly reduce the risk by driving with as many windows as possible, as well as maximizing your driver distance by choosing to sit in the rear passenger seat rather than behind the driver's seat. And for this study, checkIf you do this while driving, you are at higher risk for COVID.

Better lifeConstantly monitoring the latest news regarding COVID-19 in order to keep you healthy, safe and informed. Here are the answers to your Burning questions , the ways you can stay safely and in good health, the facts You must know, the risks you should avoid, the myths You must ignore, and the symptoms to know. Click here for all our COVID-19 covers , and Subscribe to our newsletter stay up to date.

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Tags: Coronavirus / News
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