Why the closure of schools may not have a significant impact on coronavirus

A new study shows that children are only half as likely as adults to be infected.

As many states have begun to lock to limit coronavirus spread, schools were among the first institutions to close. It is not surprising, of course - any parent or teacher who saw a bug that has spread in a classroom knows that the combination of a school of many points of contact and a relatively lax personal hygiene. Children can result in many sick (and adult) children. This is how the parents of the whole country have found themselves trying to balance to work inside or outside the house with whom their children withRemote learning. Keep children out of school buildings, health and government officials hoped that infections. However, a new study shows that closing schools may not have had a significant impact on coronavirus - on the basis of how the virus is and does not affect children.

Research published byMedicine of natureshows that people under 20 are onlyhalf as likely in Covid-19 as people of age. In addition, only 21% of children infected between 10 and 19 years old in the six countries surveyed have exposed symptoms of coronaviruses. "As a result," the study says, "We find that child interventions could have a relatively low impact on the reduction of SARS-COV-2 transmission, particularly if the transmissibility of subclinical infections is low. " (Researchers always work to determineHow infectious asymptomatic cases of Covid-19 really are.)

Empty classroom
Shutterstock / Makeda Art

Why are children at a risk as well as in adults? "Reduced vulnerability may result from protection against protection against the immune cross of other coronaviruses", the authors of the study pose "or the non-specific protection resulting from the recent infection by other respiratory viruses, than the children undergo more often than adults ".

As theWashington PostNotes, these conclusions could influence decisions regarding when and what capacitySchools will be reopened in autumn. (By CNN, 48 states and Washington, D.C.closed all schools at the end of this current school year.) MayUnited States todayand the IPSOS survey showed thatTeachers are concerned About remote closures and learning intended for student progress, fearing that they fell significantly behind. And many parents have been overwhelmed by the responsibility of the schooling of their children mainly at home, while following their jobs and their other aspects of life.

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But these figures should not be taken as permission to open the openings and welcome students in all.

"School closures always have an effect - we do not say they are completely ineffective. So, really, it simply emphasizes the difficulty of the question of when the schools reopened. As with many other policies, it is not not a direct question of epidemiology, "main authorNicholas Davies, from the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, told theWashington Post. And for more coronaviruses and education, check60% of parents would do this instead of sending children to school.

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Categories: Health
Tags: Coronavirus / kids / School
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