The new director of CDC says it's "one of the biggest problems" with COVID
The new administration faces many unknowns around the vaccination program.

It has been less than a week since a new administration took office, including a new namedDirector of Disease Control and Prevention Centers (CDC),Rochelle Walensky, MD. There are many challenges Walensky, PresidentJoe Bidenand the rest of his administration, mainly among them isCOVID vaccine distribution. January 24, during an interview withFox News Sunday, the new CDC head revealed to the hostChris Wallacethat "one of the biggest problems currently" concerning pandemic centers on a certain unknown surrounding theCOVID vaccine. Continue reading to know that the main concerns of Walensky and for more new vaccines, checkThe chief medicine of Moderna has just given this upsetting update.
There are unknown quantities of the vaccine.

"One of the biggest problems is that I can not tell youHow many vaccine we haveAnd if I can not tell you, I can not tell the governors and I can not tell the health officials, "said WalenskyFox News SundayWhen questioned about the situation, it and the inherited bidan administration. "So, the fact that we did not know today, five days in this administration and weeks in planning, how much vaccine we have, simply gives you a sense of challenges we have stayed." And for more changes on how the blows are administered, checkThe CDC has just made this major update on its vaccine guidelines.
The offer is "the most limited constraint," she said.

The CDC has already recognized that theCovid-19 vaccine rolks is currently less smooth than it should be and an enhanced system will see more open delivery points, speeding up the process. "The goal is that everyone is able to become easily vaccinated against COVID-19 as soon as sufficiently large quantities are available. Once the vaccine is widely available, the plan is to have several thousand vaccination providers offering vaccines. COVID-19 in physician offices retail pharmacies, hospitals and federal qualified health centers, "wrote the CDC on its website on January 5th.
In his interview withFox News SundayWalenksy has confirmed: "The offer will probably be the most limited constraint early. ... We must also make sure that this, the supply, arrives at pharmacies, that we have enough vaccines, which we have enough places and awareness of vaccination. "And for more where you may be vaccinated soon, discoverYou can now get your Covid vaccine at Walmart in these 10 states.
And that's why appointments are canceled.

Walensky pointed out that the lack of clarity on the amount of vaccine is created unused vaccine problems or long lines and appointments canceled.
"If [states] does not know how many vaccines do they get, not just this week, but next week and the week after, they can not plan. They can not understand how many sites to deploy, they can incite how much vaccinators they need and can not understand how many appointments to do for the public, "she explained." So, if they go beyond, we have the shelf vaccine and if they compress it We have these queues and queues of people, people whose nominations are canceled ... Anyway, we have challenges. "
States running low may not get a new vaccine immediately.

Walensky was initiated on the fact that statesShort circuit on vaccines May not be able to secure immediate replenishment. She admitted that the government does not have "as many doses as we wish now for states like New York [or] for other states that claimed to be short of vaccine". And for more COVID updates regularly,Sign up for our daily newsletter.
Walensky declared 100 million vaccinations in 100 days.

Before being sworn, President Biden is committed to providing this 100 million VVID-19 vaccinations over the first 100 days of office, a goal that had been since. But Walensky pointed out that it was only a starting point and a first target to hit in a longer campaign.
"My understanding is that the crunch of the current supply is the one who ... I am the most worried. We have all the indications that over time we will have more and more vaccine. We certainly can not predict None of the obstacles that would come in our way here. But data I have seen so far, I hope we will actually get an increasing amount of supply, not a stagnation a ", a-T- She stated. "We really hope that after these first 100 days we will have much more production, not just for these two vaccines [Moderna and Pfizer], but we hope we will have another from Johnson & Johnson in the weeks. In front of And maybe even a fourth descendant the pipeline. So we really hope we will have more vaccines and that it will increase the rhythm we can do the vaccinations. "And for more information on the newest future vaccine, checkThese are the side effects of the new Johnson & Johnson vaccine.

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