The CDC requires you to do this from Tuesday
This new policy goes into effect in just a few days.

While we enter the second year of the global pandemic, we are used to some changes in our daily lives. Dinner in a restaurant can involve a tent and thermal lamps, doctors' appointments are made via telemedicine applications and have become the days of mechanging through a shopping center. Now, disease control and prevention centers (CDC) have added more to the growing list of lifestyle changes: Tuesday, you will be required toProvide evidence of a negative covidation test before flying Back to the United States of any international destination.
"If you are consideringtraveling internationally, you will need to test more than 3 days before traveling by plane to the United States (US) and show your negative result to the airline before boarding your flight, or to prepare to show the documentation of Recovery, "reads the new policy, which was posted on the CDC website on January 23.
As new mandates of politics, airlines must refuse to board anyone who can not provide a negative Covid test result. This could very well disrupt the travel plans for some, but should helpMinimize potential exposure For those flying, as well as the general public.
According toDavid Cutler, MD, aFamily medicine doctor At the Saint John Providence Health Center of Santa Monica, California, the new CDC policy has not come a moment too early. As he explains, the "recentlyIncreased COVID capacity to move from person to person Makes air travel and all the more risky activities to contract this disease. "
Longer flights already pose a risk that experts say incalculable at that time.Anthony Fauci, MD, Director of the National Institute of the Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease (NIAID), said at a recent interviewShorter flights can be safe Due toUsing the HEPA filter For "modest flights of duration", but for long and international flights, "all bets are extinguished".
"It's impossible to say how an air transport car could be," Approves Cutler. "It's important to recognize that anyone around you could transmit Covid to you. And you could pass it on to others."
If you must fly, read on for tips approved by experts on how to do it as safely as possible. And for the masks, you should not wear flying or in another situation, checkThe CDC warns against the use of these 6 face masks.
1 Pass the flight if you have symptoms.

Just because you get a negative test does not necessarily mean that you are clear. If you present with one of theTypical symptoms of CovidYou should seriously consider postponing your flight - even if your test has not confirmed your case.
According to the MD Anderson Center of the University of Texas,Fast antigen tests are less accurate than PCR tests to spot the virus. And although the CDC does not require any particular type of test, the three-day window will mean that most travelers will use rapid tests, which can provide results as little as half an hour, rather than the two to five days that PCR test results need to be obtained.
"To a certain extent, you sacrifice the precision of the speed. By their very nature, antigen style tests are not as sensitive as they require a larger amount of positive viruses, "explains the MD Anderson website. "Someone with a positive test by this test style must be treated as infected by Covid-19, but a negative test is less reliable and can be confirmed." And for more COVID updates regularly,Sign up for our daily newsletter.
2 Be careful before boarding.

According to Cutler, the risk of flight is not limited to your flight flight. "The risk of air transport also includes the transportation risks of the airport", as well as the time spent navigating airport lines and crowds, he says.
"It is impossible to measure the risk you can be exposed in theseCommon and uncontrolled environments. That's why the trip causes COVID transmission and why one of the first stages of pandemic control was limiting displacement in these countries that effectively reduce the number of cases and deaths, "says Cutler. And for more information on the propagation of COVID.You are more likely to get Covid of someone who does what cough.
3 Take precautions when using the airport's bathroom.

Cutler also suggests additional caution if you need to use the toilets during the airport or on board your flight. These are high traffic areas that often have a doubtful ventilation and that most airports have intensified their cleaning patterns in the middle of the pandemic, bathrooms can still pose an increased threat to travelers.
If you use the bathroom facilities, be sure to wear your mask, limit what you are touching using clean paper towels to operate faucets and doors, andWash and disinfect your hands thoroughly after. And for a thing you do not have to do, checkThe only thing you can stop doing to avoid Covid, says CDC.
4 Wear a medical grade mask and a face shield.

While you are on board your flight, Cutler explains that your main concern should be mitigating the risks of those who sit on you closest. "Ventilation systems on commercial line aircraft contain HEPA air filters that effectively eliminate almost all viral particles," says Cutler. "Several small studies have confirmed that the majority of flight risks comes from the population immediately around you."
Fortunately, you can reduce this risk bycome prepared with good equipmentand optimizing ventilation. "This risk can be minimized by wearing a N95 mask and a face shield. You should also turn your aerial air blower to High to push as much as possible as possible", advises Cutler. And for more information on masks safety, know thatIf you always do it, your mask does not protect you, the study says.

It is when you are most likely to feel the side effects of Covid vaccine