The FDA has just changed its position on this precaution of Covid vaccine

The main health agency has moved guidelines on a significant portion of vaccination.

Despite its slow and rocky deployment, medical experts rely on the coronavirus vaccine with aid eventually put an end to the global pandemic. This is especially trueHighly contagious variant strains Virus were reported across the United States, with warning experts which could create another peak in cases. But a change brought by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in their position on a precaution of vaccinelimits the time between the catches could help ensure a smoother deployment. Continue reading to see what new guidelines recommend for your vaccination, and to find out more about what you need to know before you vaccinate,Dr. Fauci just gave this warning About Covid Secondary Effects of Vaccines.

The FDA said you can wait a little longer between the vaccine doses.

pfizer vaccine against Coronavirus (COVID-19) infections on the production line

As coveted vaccine doses begin to run slim in many areas, health leaders are increasingly concerned that excessive speeds by supplies could mean that patients will not be able to receive their second vital blow to time, which should be three to four weeks after the first. But in a statement published in CNN on January 23, the FDA has updated its orientation on the time interval between the two doses, saying that a little more expected would not compromise the efficiency of the vaccine.

The agency says it "acknowledges that obtaining as many people as possible throughout the completely vaccinated country will contribute to limiting the spread of the virus that causes Covid-19 and should be a priority," stating that "delays. Delays Modest in the second dose administration, so absolutely necessary, would not be expected to decrease the protection conferred by the second dose and are preferable not to complete the 2-dose series ". And to learn more about the second shot,Dr. Fauci says he had these side effects of his second dose of vaccine.

The update of the CDC guidelines allows for six weeks between the catches.

Senior woman is about to receive Covid-19 vaccine
BlueCinema / iStock

The FDA is not the only agency to modify its guidelines. January 21, US centers for disease control and prevention (CDC)updated their clinical considerations on the duration of the doses could be spaced, indicating that of the samesome flexibility in the calendar Reminder shot was acceptable.

"The second dose should be administered also at the recommended interval as possible", specify the guidelines. "However, if it is impossible to adhere to the recommended interval, the second dose of Pfizer-Biontech and Moderna Covid-19 vaccines can be programmed for up to six weeks (42 days) after the first dose , Adding that "there are currently limited data on the effectiveness of the COVID-19 vaccines administered beyond this window". And to slow down the propagation of coronavirus, discoverThe only thing you can stop doing to avoid Covid, according to doctors.

The FDA was previously against a longer wait between doses.

Doctor filling out yellow vaccination card for COVID vaccine
Leonsbox / iStock

Changes are less than a month after the FDAmakes a strong argument Against waiting longer than recommended three weeks between Pfizer-Biontech doses or four weeks between the necessary doses modernly due to limited reserves.

"We know that some of these dose or dose modification discussions are based on a belief that dose modification or dosage schedule can help obtain more vaccines to the public faster," said the agency In a statement on January 4 "However, such changes that are not substantiated by sufficient scientific evidence could ultimately be counterproductive for public health". and for more information up-to-date,Sign up for our daily newsletter.

But other health experts have supported the movement.

Vaccine record

Other major medical experts supported the decision to allow a longer period of grace between doses. This includesAnthony Fauci, MD, the main medical advisor at the White House, whodid not see any reason for anxiety on the expansion a little waiting time.

"Sometimes the situation is underlined where it is very difficult to be exactly on time," Fauci told CNN in an interview on January 22 "I do not see a big problem if the situation on the ground means that The constraint is such that you can not do exactly 28 days or 21 days. And if you are worried about getting sick,This strange symptom could be the only sign you have COVID, the study indicates.

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