How to make a face mask to fight coronavirus propagation
You can change your own protective coverage of things that you already have at your wish.
Thecoronavirus epidemic has led to a different shortage of personal protective equipment (EPP) in the health facilities of the country. Doctors, nurses and health professionals (HCP) of all scratches are short ofmasks and dresses This limits the propagation of the virus that causes Covid-19. It is also expected that the recommendations changeRegular citizens wearing masks Whenever they go outside during the pandemic. Nevertheless, health professionals strongly advise consumers do not exceed masks as they are a much larger resource for doctors. These contradictory circumstances mean that a handmade fabric version is your best option to run your critical races. Fortunately, there are resources that explain how to make a facial mask from items that you probably have at home.
The scarcity of masks in hospitals is so severe that the CDC now advises health professionals onHow to make their own masks:
In environments where facial masks are not available, HCP can use homemade masks (for example, Bandana, Scarf) to take care of COVID-19 patients as a last resort. However, homemade masks are not considered EPP, because their ability to protect HCP is unknown. Caution should be exercised when reviewing this option. The homemade masks must ideally be used in combination with a face shield that covers all the forehead (which extends to the chin or below) and alongside the face.
Additional approaches for homemade masks are now also surprising online.
If you know your way around a sewing machine and you're comfortable with a sewing pattern, the websiteSo sew you At a tutorial that requires only elastic bands and a cloth to cut and sew.
If youare not Ability to sew yours, then cut off the material in a pattern of a surgical mask is the best option. But what kind of clothing should you use? Good question. In a 2013 study of Cambridge University ventilated byIntelligent airThe researchers tested household materials to find those who did the best work captured bacteria and viruses. Vacuum bags are the best way to go, although other decent options, you could have more readily available, such as lapping and mixed cotton shirts.