The terrifying reason of six feet away may not be enough

A new study says that you should probably keep even further from others.

Six feet of separation were constructed as the Gold Standard with respect tosocial distancing, just the right amount of space to maintain between you and others to protect you from coronavirus transmission. Unfortunately, a new study suggests that six feet may not be almost sufficiently distant to provide adequate protection after all.

According to a study published on May 19 in the journalFluid physics, theRespiratory droplets responsible for the violation of people with coronaviruses rarely travel six feet When the wind is not a factor. However, with even the slightest breeze, these droplets can travel from nearly 20 feet from nearly 20 feet in five seconds at a wind speed of a little less 2.5 mile at the time and the same distance In just 1.6 seconds if the winds blow nine miles per hour.

Perhaps even more scary, the study revealed that in wind-free conditions, all the respiratory droplets hit the soil before reaching the six-foot brand, but when the wind was blowing nine miles on time, from Many droplets were still greater than 3 feet from the floor when they reached the 19-foot mark, suggesting an increased probability of getting into contact with people on their way.

white woman sneezing into hand outdoors
Shutterstock / Ljobsy

This new search suggests that spending time together outdoors can be an even more risky proposal than many people thought before. Although staying inside the foreseeable future is not an option, if you go outside and run the risk of getting into contact with other people,mask And keep even more distance than what you have rang as the best way to go there.

Fortunately, there is evidence that wearing a mask can help protect people from actively sick and asymptomatic media. In fact, according to a study 2020 of April published inNatureResearchers have detected no coronaviruses droplets or aerosolsexpelled by the study participants who wore a disposable surgical maskWhile 30% of the study topics have expelled coronavirus aerosols without mask and 40% of the unmasked subjects have expelled droplets.

So keep these masks on, thosewashed hands, and whenever possible, give people that you see a wave and a large place. And for more ways to protect yourself, practice them13 safety precautions that you should take every day to prevent coronavirus.

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