If you notice these 3 strange symptoms, you can have COVID, the study says

New research suggests that coronavirus has surprising digestive symptoms that could become serious.

While coronavirus is widely known for causing seriousrespiratory complicationsNew research reveals that it can also have surprising and potentially serious symptoms elsewhere in the body. According to a new examination of the research published inAbdominal radiology, There areThree potentially serious digestive symptoms Associated with COVID infections that can be wrong for other ailments. Read it to discover which symptoms of dangerous covid that you can not afford to ignore. And if you want to keep you safe, checkThe 4 places you are most likely to catch Covid during the current wave.

During the revision of 36 coronavirus studies published between March 31 and July 15, 2020, researchers at the University of Alberta of the Department of Radiology and Diagnostic Imaging revealed that 18% of patients with COVID Digestive symptoms, including 16% of coronavirus patients experience exclusively gastrointestinal symptoms. While the majority of covidant patients with related digestive problems have experienced common symptoms, such as loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and abdominal pain, a small proportion felt.Intestinal inflammation, air in the intestine wall and intestinal perforation.

While the Mayo clinic indicates that the inflammation of the intestine can presentSymptoms common to other digestive conditionsIncluding fatigue, abdominal pain, unintentional weight loss, lack of appetite, diarrhea and blood in the stool, the other two symptoms can have serious and even fatal results.

Air in the intestine wall-AUSSI known under the nameIntestinalis pneumatosis-Can present with a distended abdominal area, pain, diarrhea and blood in the stool, according to a study of 2018 published inBMC Gastroenterology.

Intestinal perforations, on the other hand, can present fever, chills, serious abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting and, if the contents of your digestive tract leak outside your intestines can lead to sepsis, aPotentially deadly response to infection. Although these symptoms can be scary, Covid is not the only potential culprit behind them. "Seeing these things do not necessarily tell us that a patient has Covid-19. He could be of aVariety of potential causes, "Although they are always under study by health professionals,Mitch Wilson, MD, one of the co-authors of the study, stated in a statement.

These are far from the symptoms of surprising covidants that you could develop, however, read to discover which potentially serious coronavirus symptoms that you could easily deceive you for something else. And if you are afraid you may have been exposed to Coronavirus, be aware thatThis strange symptom can be the first sign you have COVID, the study says.

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older white man with his head in his hands

Delirium - defined as a "serious disturbance of mental capacities", which often causes confusion - is a symptom of serious covidator that often appears shortly after infection. A 2020 review of the research published in theHsoa Journal of Clinical Immunology and Immunotherapy found that 84% of coovidants in a French study presented withNeurological symptoms, including delirium. The researchers noted that these changes can be linked to a lack of oxygen to the brain or inflammation of neurons in the brain because of the coronavirus. And if you want to protect yourself, know thatThis surprising supplement can reduce your risk of covidation, a new study indicates.

Changes to your sense of taste and your smell

Woman trying to smell a cup of coffee

Although loss of taste and smell is generally reported from COVID symptoms, there is still another way that your olfactory system can be affected by the virus. In some cases, people with coronaviruses will beOdor or taste unpleasant flavors When they eat, including the perfumes of gasoline or decaying food. And for more your sense of smell and your coronavirus, checkIf you can not feel these 2 things, you can have Covid.


Dermatologist inspecting patient for skin cancer

If you have noticed aas a rash on your skinIt is time of the peak tail for the doctor of a COVID test. According to a "long-waters" study of "lengths" of COVID, who feel symptoms of 60 days or more-100% of the positive people of cipid-positive who livedPurpura Retiform, Cutaneous rash similar to a canvas,were finally hospitalized. And for more current Covid news delivered to your inbox,Sign up for our daily newsletter.


A depressed senior man lying in bed cannot sleep from insomnia

Although you are worried about your risk of Covid, you can certainly cause you to launch and turn, the virus itself can cause more than a few instant nights. According toFacebook body survivorgroup, which catalog of coronavirus symptoms and provides support for COVID survivors, more than 1,500 people recover from the virus that they found themselves fight with persistent difficulties sleeping . And for more where people should be concerned about the virus, discover What is the gravity of the COVID epidemic in your state .

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