You may never be able to do this after surviving Covid, the study warns
According to several studies, this corporal function may never be the same.

Since the coronavirus novel has been only since the end of 2019, it is difficult to fully understand thePersistent COVID effects On people in the years to come. Although researchers and doctors need more time to discover allLong-term effects COVID can have On those who overcame it, recent studies have begun to explore how the virus can affect the body beyond theStandard symptoms. This week, a new study revealed that coronavirus could affect the quality of sperm and thus men's fertility, potentially affecting the ability of COVID survivors to design. Although some experts note that it is too early to know, read it to know what study the last study found. And to see what you will not be able to do other, checkDr. Fauci just said that we will never be able to do that again.
A new study revealed that Covid can affect the number of spermatozoa and health.

New research on Justus-Liebig-University in Germany have determined that Covid can negatively affect the quality of sperm and reduce the fertility of men. The researchers in the study reported in a statement that their conclusions showed that the virus can cause an "increase in death of sperm cells, inflammation and oxidative stress,resulting as lower sperm And potentially reduce fertility. "According to their conclusions, the concentration of sperm, quality, mobility and form have been negatively affected by Covid. Researchers have also concluded thatplus more serious illness was, the more sperm suffered.
"These effects on spermatozoa are associated with lower sperm quality and reduced fertility potential"Behzad Hajizadeh Maleki, principal researcher and student doctorate, stated in a statement. "Although these effects tended to improve over time, they have remained significantly and abnormally higher in CVIV-19 patients." And for more current Covid news delivered directly to your inbox,Sign up for our daily newsletter.
Some experts are skeptical about this study.

While the conclusions of the study are surprising, some experts said to take it with a grain of salt. "I need to raise aStrong rating of caution in their interpretation of these data "Allan Pacey, PhD, Professor of Andrology at the University of Sheffield, South Yorkshire, the United Kingdom, told CNN. "For example, the authors claim that their data demonstrate that" Covid-19 infection causes significant deficiencies of the male reproduction function, but it shows only an association. "
It is also important to note that the study was small and was conducted for a short time. The researchers compared the sperm of only 105 men in good health to those of 84 men with Covid. The sperm of participants was studied at 10-day intervals during 60 days. As a result, the skeptics note, the limitations of this period prevent us from seeingHow long do these effects are on fertility. And to see if you are safe from a serious case of COVID, checkIf you have this in your blood, you can be protected from Covid, the study says.
This is not the first study to report on a link between COVID and fertility problems in men.

Since earliest in the Covid pandemic, the researchers have hypothesized on the potentially deleterious effects of COVID on men's sexual and reproductive health. Multiple studies suggest that the virus could be affected by sperm.
Just a week before this new study has emerged, other research published by the newspaperOpen biology A claimed that Covid could pose a "global threat to the potential for male fertility". This study, which was conducted by Indian researchers, found variousnegative effects Virus on the fertility of men, many of which have opened the most recent German study. The study cites tissue damage, interference with sex hormones and sperm production, inflammation, erectile dysfunction and a general constraint associated with COVID. And for another COVID update, you need to know, checkThis medicine on the meter can kill Covid, the study says.
Viruses in general tend to remove the number of spermatozoa.

It is not uncommon for viruses to affect a little sperm for some time, but it's not usually nothing to fear. "Being sick of any virus such as influenza can temporarily drop your number of spermatozoa (sometimes at zero) for a few weeks or months,"Channa Jayasena, MD, a consultant in reproductive and Andrology endocrinology at Imperial College London, told CNN. "This makes it difficult to determine the amount of reductions observed in this study was specific to Covid-19 rather than being sick."
Another recent report published in the journalthe reproductionOutside Wuhan, China, where the origin of the virus also noted that "adverse effects on male fertility Have been reported during infections with Zika (ZIKV), Mumps (MUV) and SARS-COV-1 viruses, but the photo is less complete for Covid-19. "And if you are preparing to get vaccinated soon, know thatDr. Fauci says that after being vaccinated is a huge mistake.

Dr. Fauci finally a few "very encouraging" new on Covid