25 myths dangerous on your body, you have to stop believing

Correct these misconceptions and learn the truth about your body and your health.

If you hear enough of something, it starts to feel like a statement - a statement that has never sounded more true than over the last year with the COVID security guidelines in constant evolution that are on Which often seemed an endless basis. And while we do not recommend recommending new guess of disease control and prevention centers (CDC) with respect to the pandemic protocol, when it comes to other information about your health and your health. Body, have you ever taken a second to think if some of the things you think you believe is actually based on data and science? If you do some research, you will learn that some of these so-called "facts" are actually much closer to theMyth end of the spectrum. And if many of these common misconceptions are totally harmless to think that swallowed gum takes seven years to digest (it does not have to) - the-shers can negatively affect your health and well-being without knowing yourself. Even. To drink alcohol before losing to "sleep" not to have fired from the flu because it "gives you the flu", here are 25 dangerous myths on your body, you have to stop believing. And bring some clarity to hide misinformation, discoverIf you wear your mask like this, you do not receive "maximum protection".

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Drink milk is important for strong bones.

skim milk vs whole milk

Despite the audition that milk is ideal for strong bonesSince you were a child, This is not the case. Many studies have shown that milk consumption does nothing to help strengthen your bones. In fact, it's quite the opposite. A 2014 study of more than 96,000 people published inJama Pediatrics Found greater milk consumption as a teenager was associated with a higher risk of hip fractures as an adult. And if you are confused on all recent news from the vaccine,Dr. Fauci says it's how to know what vaccine you should get.

Fat is bad for you.

Eating all low fat things can back fire on you

All types of fat are easily grouped together, making it feel that it's never a good choice to have it in your diet. But it could not be further from the truth and eating good kinds can enjoy your body both physically and mentally.

"Most people do not realize that there are different types of fat and there are healthy grease," saysROSEANN CAPANNA-HODGE, LPC, a psychologist and a pediatric mental health expert in Ridgefield, Connecticut. Think a lawyer, olive oil, nuts and seeds. "In reality,research has shown that a low fat diet is associated with increased depression and a suicide risk, so that healthy fat health is very important for mental health, "she says. And for more myths on weight, learn45 unhealthy weight loss tips Experts say to avoid at all costs.

Eating fewer calories means you will lose weight.

Food Labeled with Calories {Health Mistakes}

When it comes toweightloss, do not just focus on calories. Just because you eat less does not mean that you will necessarily see the weight. "The old adage of" calories in calories "is not always correct - especially in terms of weight loss," saysElena Villanueva, DC, a functional expert on holistic medicine in Austin, Texas. "Many popular foods such as gluten, dairy and sugar can cause inflammation in the body. And when these foods are consumed in excess year after year, chronic conditions can develop, which leads to its turn. chronic inflammation and excess weight. Thequality of your calories counts. "

Detoxification can improve your body.

Juice cleanses can backfire on you when you're losing weight

Wherever you look, there is another ad for a kind of detox that promises to eliminate the toxins of your body. In reality,The detox is just an afd It does not seem to leave.Kate Patton, RD, a dietitian inscribed in Cleveland, Ohio, told theCleveland Clinic which distoxes - whether juice or teas juices - are not necessary. Your body is actually detoxified. Instead, go to a healthy and healthy diet that will help you feel your best now and get off.

Your genetics finally determine the destiny of your health.

Going over medical history with doctor

Of course, your genetics can be important in health - do not crack them to beall. "Although it can be extremely advantageous to know your genetics,How? 'Or' WhatYour genes are expressed are essential, "says Villanueva." The lifestyle choices affect if a particular gene becomes or not "on" or "OFF". For example, while you can have aGenetic predisposition for a certain state of health, like diabetes, yourway of lifeCan determine if these genes are "lit" and develop this disease or disease. "

You can catch up with a missed sleep during the weekend.

young man wrapping a blanket around his head feeling depressed as he lays sadly on a grey couch alone.

Unlike popular belief, you can not justCompensate all these sleepless nightsDuring the week once the weekend rolls around. "The bad sleep during the week is called" sleep debt ".Research Shows, after a night of sleep deprivation, metabolic changes occur that are related to diabetes, heart disease and accumulation of chemical "waste" in the brain that is linked to dementia and Alzheimer's disease », DECLARETsao-linen Avg, LMT, an acupuncturous and Chinese medicine expert in New York. "If you finish with a night of sleep deprivation, it is important to catch up in the 24 hours to reverse the negative effects in the body." And stay over the pandemic security protocol, checkThat's the most likely to give you Covid, a new study says.

Snoring does not matter.

snoring couple in bed

Speaking of sleep, snoring seems pretty innocent. But unfortunately, it's not as harmless as you think. According toNational Sleep FoundationThis could be a sign of a more serious health problem like sleep apnea, where your breathing is interrupted all night. It is also associated with cardiovascular disease. "One of the out of ten average women has an obstructive sleep apnea, while one on four middle-aged men has said,"Somers virrus, MD, a cardiologist in Rochester, Minnesota, told theMAYO Clinic. If you are a snoring, register with your doctor to make sure your snoring is not a sign of something more serious.

Have alcohol before the bed helps you sleep.

woman drinking red wine

Many people assume having a good night leads to a better night's sleep. Although it can pass you quickly, this sedative effect does not last long. "The problem is, in one night, likeAlcohol is metabolized during the second half of the nightThis creates more fragmented sleep. There is more disturbance "Jessica Vensesel-Rundo, MD, a neurologist and a sleep expert in Cleveland, in Ohio, said to theCleveland Clinic. It can also relax your muscles, which could allow your airway to close easier and increase your risk of sleep apnea.

Take medicines makes your health problems disappear.

Different antibiotics and pills

When you are on a medicine that deals with a health problem you encounter, it's easy to forget that the problem is always a problem in the first place. Here is the problem, however: just because you do not notice that it does not mean that it's gone. "The biggest myth is that when we take a prescribed medicine, the underlying cause is no longer there and we have nothing to do further," says Avoy. "Drugs operate by modifying" symptoms ", not the cause or the underlying mechanism".

ADHD medications are always safe.

adderall pills barista secrets

Millions of individuals have a hyperactivity disorder with attention deficit (ADHD), and it is not uncommon to be prescribed a drug to help symptoms. Something many people do not know is that they do not do italways to help.

Capanna-Hodge says many people who take medications for TDHD have adverse effects - something that is not as widely discussed or known. If you are on medications, be sure to watch you. "Some reactions are more milides such as irritability, but other more serious reactions may include heart difficulties, psychosis,Personality changesand rage, "she says.

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Stress is all mental.

older man with face in hands, health questions after 40
Shutterstock / Mrmocock

Unfortunately,Stress affects more your body than you will be able to achieve-Even if you have just business with small stressors in your life. "Many say" I'm not stressed if I do not feel it. "People tend to think about stress as something big, like a life event or something they can not handle. So when they discover back pain, digestive problems, fatigue, gain, gain. weight, infertility or insomnia, they do not see how stress plays. An important role, "says Avg." Low levels ofStress on a daily basis Can you leave more sensitive to headaches, sore throat, colds and FLUS, as well as chronic diseases. "

Anxiety and depression can only improve with medicines.

a bunch of unlabeled medicine bottles in a medicine cabinet

While drugs can be game changers for those withAnxiety and depressionThere are also a lot of natural things that you can do to improve your mental well-being. "Millions of people around the world deal with anxiety and depression, and for many, symptoms can be debilitating. While prescription drugs are needed in some cases, the creation of the fundamental cause of your symptoms can Also help you find a relief too "Villanueva says. For example, improving your health health can lead tobest brain health, and according to theCleveland ClinicIt has been shown that exercise plays a role in the treatment of mild to moderate depression and reduce anxiety.

The flu plan gives you influenza.

World immunization week and International HPV awareness day concept. Woman having vaccination for influenza or flu shot or HPV prevention with syringe by nurse or medical officer.

Anyone whoAvoids the shot of the flu In the fear of getting the flu's influenza must drop this belief, stat. "You can not get the influenza of the influenza vaccine. All vaccines are inactivated, so they are only proteins"Susan Rehm, MD, a specialist in infectious diseases in Cleveland, Ohio, told theCleveland Clinic. If you feel tired after one, she says it's totally normal - it's just the natural immune response of your body.

Influenza is not so serious.

heart attack after 40

Many people avoid shooting annual influenza because they believe it does not matter and health is not in danger. Well, this is not the case at all. "We tend to forget that theInfluenza is a very serious illness"Dishm says". Every year, hundreds of thousands of people are hospitalized in the United States. Unfortunately, there may be between 4,000 and 40,000 people who die from the influenza each year. During the 2018 influenza period at 2019, theCenters for Disaster Control and Prevention (CDC) reported about 34,200Death of the flu.

If you do not have chest pain, you do not have a heart attack.

Man sitting on the couch with a blanket holding his chest in pain

InEach movie of all timeA heart attack occurs when someone seizes the chest and falls to the ground. In real life, it's not exactly how things always come down. "Symptoms can be very vague"Cydney Vandyke, chest pain and a coordinator of brain stroke in Bountiful, Utah, saidLakeview Hospital. "People can have nausea, dizziness, back pain, shoulder pain, neck pain, jaw pain and even abdominal pain."

WithLESS Extreme symptoms Like this, many people write their symptoms as something else or big problem, and this can be dangerous, especially because more pretoble panels are easier to treat, she says.

Do not have regular intestine movements is not a big deal.

Last pad of tissue paper on background

If you do not remember the last time you went the number two, you can have a problem. According toNavnirat Nibber, ND, a naturopathic doctor and a medical advisor toAdvanced orthomolecular search In Alberta, Canada, you should ideally have two to three intestine movements a day when your digestive system is in good shape - not one every three days.

"Regular, good quality intestinus movements - no strain, well-trained solid logs, even color, no undigested food, blood or mucosa - is a sign that your digestive system is in advanced position," she says. "By ignoring irregular intestinal habits, you may risk more inflammation, hormonal imbalance, heart disease, blood glucose dysregulation and more."

You can not get pregnant if you have sex during your rules.

Pregnant woman sitting on a couch

People suppose you can not get pregnant if you have unprotected sex during or just after your rules, and there is something you should know: it's not totally impossible.Amy Stephens, MD, an Ob-Gyn in Akron, Ohio, said to theCleveland Clinic There is a weaker chance, but your chances are still not zero - especially for anyone who has an irregular period or if you have a shorter cycle than average.

The periods are always painful.

Tampons pads

Women grow up periods of reflection and pain go from hand, and so do not think anything can be done about it, or just need to "suck it". But Nibber says that periods must not have to - and should not be injured.

"There are uterine contractions while your endometrial lining is pouring, but any pain beyond a mild to moderate discomfort requires an investigation," she says. "Several times, women come in communication taking five to six over-the-counter analgesics for one to three days ofall period. By assigning pain during periods of "peer for the course", we risk surprising certain serious medical conditions that can worsen over time, with the impact of fertility and a negative impact on the quality of life . There are many reasons for very painful periods, including endometriosis, PCOs, TSIs and fibroids. "

What you eat has nothing to do with your skin.

Close up Girl applying aloe gel to problematic skin with acne scars, Health care products at medical industry. girl gently touches her forehead with pimples on her skin.

A quick walk in Beauté Allele will show you that there is a product for almost everything. While you can buy as many bottles as you like, put more on your skindoes not mean that your skin will automatically go better. Instead, your first step should sometimes determine the problem of the interior.

"Something I see a lot is a person with acne investing hundreds of dollars in a complex skin care plan, but to have a slight resolution, but she stays back," said Nibber. She says it's important to treat things like your intestine or hormonal health, which can both play a role in looking for your skin.

You do not need to wear solar screen inside.

Young woman applying lotion or sunscreen while looking in mirror in bathroom
Wavebreakmedia / iStock

Solar screen is important, no matter how long-andIt does not matter if you spend most of your time outside or inside. The harmful rays of the sun can go from Windows, put you toRisk of skin cancer Even when you think you are safe.

"For days when you are going to be inside, put a sunscreen on areas not covered with clothes, such as your face and your hands to protect against UVA since they can go through glass,"Stuart Kaplan, MD, a dermatologist in Beverly Hills, California, wrote on his website.

You should tilt your head back when you have a nosebleed bleeding.

Man having a nosebleed nose bleed

When you have a nosebleed, you're supposed to tilt your head back, right? Although it's probably your first reaction when it happens, it's not a good shot for your body.Neha Vyas, MD, a family practice doctor in Mayfield Heights, Ohio, told theCleveland Clinic You are actually supposed to lean forward and close the nostril that bleeds by pinching your nose with your fingers. If you tilt your head back, it causes it degrading the blood in the back of the throat, which could hurt you with your stomach or to vomit.

Always complete your health.

Woman taking a pill or a supplement

It is tempting to seize all the supplements of the grocery store that sound as they could be beneficial. But you must know that completing without soaping does not do you good.

"Supplements are very accessible. It can be great in many cases, but it comes from challenges," said Nibber. "For example, many people seem to complete blind, taking a cooking sink approach by taking all the vitamins and nutrients they think they need a survey of why they take it. Supplementation. Without plan can be best ineffective and at worst hazardous. It is important to know why, what and how long do you need to complete. "

Young people do not need to worry about their bodies.

young black woman relaxing with her eyes closed in a chair inside

Young people tend not to worry about their health as much as the elderly. But think about it: if you do not keep your health in your early years, you are preparing for manyhealth problems as you get older.

"We know that to prevent hip fractures in the elderly, for example, we should increase bone density by doing resistance exercises and gettingsufficient nutrients like calcium,Vitamin DStrontium and boron systematically in our twenty twenty, "says Nibber." Prevention issues, and although it is difficult to justify efforts in case of tangible yield, know that your body will thank you later. "

There is nothing you can do "aging".

senior man looking out window

Of course, you're going to age. But Nibber says you have a lot of power in how much and how fast. "Culture has promoted this idea that aging is screened with pain, loss of function and eventual obsolescence. However, aging is an inevitability and a privilege that requires us to understand our understanding to" well aging ", says- She. "Our bodies are complex machines and, of course, some of the processes and parts can be worn over time.Agower focuses on optimizing and supporting these processes because applications change. "

Any health care provider can help improve your health.

Female doctor and female patient

By going to the doctor, it's a first first step when something is wrong, it's sometimes a good idea to hearDifferent opinions of other expertsAlso, before taking big decisions. "All health care providers - even those certified by the same review board - are equal," saidE. GAYLON MCCOLLOUGH, MD, a facial and nasal plastic surgeon in the Gulf Shores, Alabama. "Do the research, ask questions to search and make sure that the supplier you choose is experienced in the procedure you are considering."

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