The CDC has just given you permission to do this to be vaccinated

The last update allows some flexibility in immunization.

Disease and Prevention Control Centers (CDC) have been regularlyUpdate of its vaccine guidelines Following science, as well as the latest developments in the coronavirus pandemic. The objective has remained as many vaccines safely in the least weapons as possible, but the recommendations have changed. InA surprising update On January 22, the CDC stated that in "exceptional situations", your first and second dose may be two different vaccines, despite the fact that these vaccines are "not interchangeable". Continue reading for more information on this major change and for news about the distribution of vaccines,You can now get your Covid vaccine at Walmart in these 10 states.

The CDC says that you get a second dose of a different CovID vaccine in "exceptional situations".

Woman holding covid-19 vaccine.

The update of the CDC comes on the heels of a seriousHiccup distribution-A cities handle had to cancel vaccine appointments because of a dose deficiency. The CDC takes compensation for the second dose of people to be different from their first if it is absolutely necessary.

The agency states that "each effort must be made to determine which vaccine product has been received as the first dose, in order to ensure the end of the series of vaccines with the same product". However, "in exceptional situations in which the vaccinal product of the first dose can not be determined or is no longer available, any available Covid-19 MRNA vaccine may be administered at a minimum interval of 28 days between doses to complete Vaccination Arna Covid-19 Series. " And for more information up to date,Sign up for our daily newsletter.

Despite this change in policy, the CDC states that vaccines are not interchangeable.

A senior man receives a COVID-19 vaccine injection in his arm from a healthcare worker.

Although the CDC now allows the possibility of getting incompatible vaccines, they do not suggest doing so, unless there is no other option. "The intention is not to suggest that people do something different but offer clinicians flexibility forexceptional circumstances, "CDC spokespersonJason McDonald CNBC said.

In parallel with this big change in the CDC guidelines, they specified that vaccines "are not interchangeable with each other or with other Covid-19" vaccine products. The agency was cautious to note that "the safety and efficiency of a series of mixed products were not evaluated. The two doses of the series must be completed with the same product." And for more vaccines,Dr. Fauci says he had these side effects of his second dose of vaccine.

To make sure you do not forget which first dose you received, vaccinators should give you a registration card.

Vaccine record

To ensure that you receive the same vaccine, the second time, the CDC indicates that vaccinators should provide you with a registration card where they note when and what vaccine you had. You should then bring this card with you to your second appointment.

To make things even simpler, you should be able to make an appointment to get yoursecond dose at the same place before leaving the site. And for more details on evolving vaccine recommendations,The CDC has just made this major update on its vaccine guidelines.

The CDC has also increased for how long you can wait between vaccine doses.

A senior woman wearing a face mask receives a COVID-19 vaccine from a female healthcare worker.

The CDC brought another important update on January 21st. Although this is recommended, you get your second dose of the vaccine against Pfizer 21 days after the first dose and the second dose of the Moderna vaccine 28 days after the first, the CDC has now extended this window as a result of distribution difficulties.

"The second dose should be administered as close as possible to the recommended interval", DCC notes. However, "if it is not possible to respect the recommended interval, the second dose of Pfizer-Biontech and Moderna Covid-19 vaccines can be programmed for up to six weeks (42 days) after the first dose . " And for more information on vaccines on the horizon,These are the side effects of the new Johnson & Johnson vaccine.

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