That's why your hand sanitizer does not work

Warning of this CDC or you risk contamination of coronaviruses.

If you were a great hand disinfectant promoter before the coronavirus pandemic, there is a good chance that you now have hidden bottles on your home, in your bags and maybe even in your car. The liquid disinfectant or gel is a practical stop for when you can not immediately access a sink andwash your hands With soap and water, but it's not totally infallible. Make sure your hand disinfectant kills all bacteria or skin viruses, there are some points to consider. Some warnings you know well now:The sanitizer must be at least 60% alcohol-Even better 70% or more - be effective; If you leave it in the sun, theAlcohol can evaporate; And the expired product will not protect you too. But disease control and prevention centers (CDC) issued anotherGuideline on hand disinfecting Use you may not have considered before.

Of course, you can (and should!) Use a hand disinfectant whenever running water and soap are not accessible. But if your hands are soiled - as in, covered with visible dirt or dirt, science-science shows that hand disinfectant will not work properly.

Among other studies, research CDC CITES 2010 published in theFood Protection Journal, which found that "alcohol-based compounds" are effective atKill germs on "Hands slightly soiled" But this washing of the hand and other options become the safer choice when the hands are more soiled. "Handindings of hands may not be as effective when hands are visibly dirty or fat," says the CDC in its guidelines.

Washing dirty hands in sink
Shutterstock / Kobzev Dmitry

What does this mean for you? If you do something that makes your hand literally dirty - and not just with imperceptible microorganisms - you should take breaks to wash them properly with soap and water for the required 20 seconds. Think, for example, digging in your garden, work on your car or clean a spill. And certainly avoid touching your face with your soiled hands, even if you rubbed them with a hand disinfitter. For the CDC, it does not work in all its effectiveness in this scenario.

As with all his literature on the detinctor of the hands, the CDC notes that the hand wash is always, always better, even if you can not see the dirt on your hands. And for more Covid-19 cleaning advice, discover9 places in your house, you did not know you needed disinfect.

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Categories: Health
By: tania
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