If you have this symptom, you are more likely to have a mild covidation case

Nearly 86% of patients with this symptom performed only one mild case.

The coronavirus can manifest in different ways and it is difficult to know what direction your case is directed. After all, you could developSo serious symptoms that you need emergency medical care, or you could hardly feel anything at all. Fortunately, new research can help determine how your case will play - especially with regard to a particular symptom.According to a new study, if you experience odorate losses, you are no longer likely to have a mild covidation case. Read more about the correlation between this symptom and the gravity of your condition and for more symptoms that can breathe a sigh of relief,If this is your only symptom, you could be safe from Covid.

The study, published in theInternal Medicine Journal January 5th watched2,581 Covidian patients of 18 different European hospitals From March to June 2020. The researchers found that the prevalence of odor loss, otherwise called olfactory dysfunction (OD), was much higher in those who had light cases that those who ended up with moderate cases to critics.

According to the study, 74% of the patients observed reported the loss of smell as one of their symptoms. Nearly 86% of OD patients experienced a light cupcurate, but only 4 to 7% of these with OD had moderate criteria.

The study divided patients into three categories: light, moderate and critical. The light patients were described as "without evidence of viral pneumonia or hypoxia", which might live their disease at home. Moderate patients were those who had "clinical signs of pneumonia", such as fever, cough, shortness of breath and rapid breathing, but no indication of severe pneumonia. Critical patients have, however, recognized clinical signs of pneumonia alongside a respiratory rate of more than 30 respirators per minute, severe respiratory distress or blood oxygen levels of less than 90%.

In addition, the study concluded that it is unlikely that Covid is permanent. According to researchers, the sense of the smell of people has generally reappeared after 18 to 21 days and 95% of patients had regained their sense of smell of at least six months after their infection. A study of early July ofAdvance of science concluded that's becauseThe virus changes the sense of smell By targeting the function of supporting cells, not directly infecting olfactive sensory neurons, which means it is unlikely to cause permanent damage to these neurons responsible for smell.

The American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery Indicates that odor loss has evenbeen seen in positive patients of COVID which do not suffer any other symptoms. However, the loss of smell alone does not necessarily point coronavirus. For more problems that may cause your odorate loss, keep reading and notable symptoms,If you have these 4 symptoms, you could have longer immunity in Covid.

Common cold

Cold woman warming up with a cup of coffee and a blanket

The colds are the most common cause Partial and temporary loss of smell, according to Healthline. This disease can cause "irritation of mucus membranes that liz your nose", which causes odor loss. And for more common coronavirus symptoms,These are the first most common signs you have COVID, studies.


Shot of a young businessman blowing his nose with a tissue at work

Seasonal allergies are also aCommon cause of smell lossallergologistJohn Cohn, MD, told the Nexus of Health. However, you are likely to have other common allergy symptoms that are not associated with Covid, he says. This includes congestion, crimping, wheezing, the nose of itching and the throat, eyes and ears itchy, sinus congestion and a post-nasal drip. And for the signs you had a coronavirus infection,If you have this subtle symptom, you may have ever had Covid.

Nasal polyps

Cropped view of the lower facial features and closed mouth of a young woman with a serene calm expression and long dark hair

Nasal polyps areBenign growths that border the tissuesyour nose. According to Healthline, polyps can be triggered by a number of things, such as chronic sinus infections, asthma, hay, cystic fibrosis, Churg-Strauss syndrome and sensitivity to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. (AINS) like ibuprofen or aspirin. They cause odor loss because they physically block the passage of air into the nose. And for more information up to date,Sign up for our daily newsletter.

Cerebral damage

Man in bed with headache

Just because your odor loss is not Covid that it does not matter. According to Satherline, brain or nervous damage of conditions such as diabetes, under-active thyroid, brain tumors, Alzheimer's disease, and more can lead to the loss of smell. There are "receivers inside the nose that sends information through the nerves to the brain", and if a portion of this channel is damaged, the loss of smell follows. And for more serious questions to be aware,This rare symptom could mean that you have a case of serious covidation.

Better life Constantly monitoring the latest news regarding COVID-19 in order to keep you healthy, safe and informed. Here are the answers to yourBurning questions, theways you can stay safelyand in good health, thefactsYou must know, therisksyou should avoid, themythsYou must ignore, and thesymptomsto know.Click here for all our COVID-19 covers, andSubscribe to our newsletter stay up to date.

Categories: Health
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