This common disease could increase your coronavirus immunity

New research indicates exposure to the virus that causes cold cold, can help you fight Covid-19.

One of the many important uncertainties surrounding the coronavirus is whether people may or may not constitute immunity. Understand why theThe virus attacks some people so differently-And what it means for their ability to combat and develop coronavirus immunity - is one of the most crucial components to stop spread. And although much unknown, new promising research of the Jolla Institute of Immunology have not only found scientific evidence thatRecovered coronavirus patients have the ability to develop immunityBut even those who have never been infected with Covid-19 may have the ability to fight it. How? 'Or' What? If they have recently hada cold.

The study, published in the newspaperCell, examined T cells in 11 blood samples of people infected with a type of coronavirus over the last two years. And the researchers found that the recovered patient T cells could target the new coronavirus.The results are "compatible with normal, good,antiviral immunity, "Shane Crutty, PhD, from the Infectious Disease Research Center and Vaccines at the Jolla Institute for Immunology, told Reuters.

In addition, the results indicate that a person may already have T cells to attack Covid-19 without having been previously infected by this specific strain of coronavirus. In fact, because these T cells were found in some people who had not been infected with COVID-19, the study suggests that exposure spent on other types of coronaviruses, including those that cause the cold common, can explain aImmune system of the person Already have the cells to identify and attack the new coronavirus.

According to Crutty, this means that people could possibly avoid becoming infected by Covid-19, or at least to reduce their chances of developing a serious case of the disease, if they were common cold.

While more research and scientific evidence is needed to determine what, where appropriate, exposure to a definitive role to other coronaviruses plays in the construction of a person's immunity in Covid-19 - andWhether or not reinfection remains a possibility- The findings of the study are promising evidence that immunity is possible.

Regarding the reinfection potential, Créty added: "People were really worried that Covid-19 does not cause immunity and reports on people who reinfect them reinforcing these concerns, but knowing that the average person makes a solid immune response should largely set up a solid immune response. These concerns to rest. "And to learn more about how Covid-19 attacks those infected with the virus,Here's how coronavirus affects your body, your head to the toes.

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