If you wear your mask like this, you do not receive "maximum protection"

Fortunately, there is a simple solution for this Mix-Up facial mask.

AsNew highly transmissible strains Among the virus of SARS-COV-2, an increase in life the rule, experts are urging the public to double their carrying mask. Literally. Many health professionals, including the chief advisor of the White House CovidAnthony FauciMD, now recommended to wearbut not a face maskof themCreating a second physical barrier between you and respiratory droplets rogue or aerosols. But if you choose to calm masks, researchers warn that this accountHow? 'Or' What you layer them. A recent study published in the journalCell found that to achieve "maximum protection" with asurgical mask and mask coupling tissueIt is essential to put a special mask on the other. Read more on how to make a double masking the most effective way, and for more basic information on face masks, discoverThis type of face mask is "unacceptable" warns the Mayo Clinic.

According to the study, make the most of your mask is simple: "Wear a mask fabric closely on asurgical mask When the surgical mask acts as a filter and the cloth mask layer provides additional filtration while improving fit ", it is advisable to study." If the researchers say that this strategy should prevent transmission with Covid an efficiency of over 90%. However, reversing the order of masks by putting a cloth mask over Volumier in a surgical mask could significantly alter the fit, make it less effective.

One of the authors of the study,Linsey Marr, PhD, a technology engineering professor from Virginia, said recentlyThe Washington Postin the absence of medical masks, such as KN95 or N95, people can get the "best and easiest protection" bywear a fabric mask tangled tightly in a surgical mask.

Looking for other hacks to make your most effective mask? Read it for more tips for getting the most out of your mask. And for face coverings to avoid entirely, checkThe CDC warns against the use of these 6 face masks.

Tighten earrings.

Woman wearing a mask

One of the easiest ways to ensure appropriate mask to tighten earrings tying or buying cloth masks with adjustable buckles.

According to the medical center of the University of Nebraska, you must take special care to ensure that.Mask Change Creates no additional air gap of where aerosols could enter. "Make sure the knot is sitting behind your ear and does not draw the top and down the sides together, as this will open a space for air to flow in and out," experts explain. And for more mask guide, find out whyDo this to your mask can protect you less, experts warn.

Seal your surgical mask.

Woman putting on a surgical face mask. She is applying it to her face and is adjusting the mask for a proper fit. Back lit at sunset.

Another useful hack justSabrina Paseman andMegan DuongThe two former Apple employees who have decided to tackle the shortage of medical mask. Before going to patent this innovative facial mask that uses the same concept, they initially shared a DIY model requiring only three rubber bands to give an effective surgical mask "N95-Level".

Start by simply create a chain out of three rubber bands in the whole combination. After inserting surgical mask, stretch the central rubber band so that it forms a tight seal around your nose and mouth. Then were the two remaining rubber bands around the ears to keep it in place. For complete instructions, step by step, you canwatch this video. And to know what alternatives mask to avoid checkThe CDC says you should not wear one of them instead of a face mask.

Fold any extra material to close the gaps.

Man Putting On Face Mask In The City To Prevent Getting Coronavirus, COVID-19

If yourfacial mask At air gaps, folding and sewing closed the gaps can increase the efficiency of the mask. In fact, many doctors have posted their ownuseful TechniquesThat you can follow to make simple adjustments and safe.Lou Ann Bruno-Murtha, MD, Head of Infectious Disease Division in Cambridge Health Alliance in Cambridge, Massachusetts, shared his reaction to popular hacking withToday, that you canwatch. And for more regular Covid news delivered directly to your inbox,Sign up for our daily newsletter.

Iron your mask to kill additional germs.


It's important toClean your mask regularlyBut drying can be even more important. After all, the use of intensely high heat is one of the best ways to be sure you kill germs.

However, the drying of your 130 degree Fahrenheit degree mask can cause a shrinkage in a typical tumble dryer, which can pose adjustment problems. A way to prevent this problem from washing, drying, then ironing your mask. This high direct heat is sure to strike all pathogens, as well as pleated masks will keep their desired shape. And find out more about a common face mask care error, check The CDC says it's how many times you have to wash your face's mask .

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