If you have this in your blood, you can be protected from Covid, the study says

New research suggests that this only thing could be protective against serious Covid.

It isNo antibodies alone This could protect you from the development of a serious case of COVID. According to a new study conducted by researchers at the fatty acid research institute (FARI) and Cedars-Sinai Medical Centers of Los Angeles and Orange County, having adequate levels of omega-3 fatty acids in your blood could prevent you from ofdevelop a severe covidant. Read it to find out what it means in terms of protection of yourself and others. And for more factors that increase your risk, discover whyMissing this vitamin puts you at risk of severe Covid, the study says.

The study, published in the January 20 issue of the journalProstaglandins, Leukotrienes and essential fatty acids, found that among a group of 100 hospitalized individuals with COVIDs, those with the highest levels of omega-3 fatty acids in their blood were at aReduced risk of dying of Covid. In fact, they were 75% less likely to die than patients with lower omega-3 levels. Overall, patients with lower omega-3 levels in their blood were four times more likely to die than those with higher omega-3 levels.

The pilot study "strongly suggests that these nutritional sailor fatty acids can help reduce the risk of negative results in CIVID-19", "primary author,Arash Asher, MD, says in a statement.

Although Omega-3 levels can be associated with a lower risk of covidation mortality, it does not necessarily mean that you should take out a bottle of fish oil. While a study of 2020 August published inElsevier Public Health Emergency Collection found that supplementation in omega-3 fatty acids canSystemic inflammation This could lead to a more severe COVID, the authors of the study concluded that additional studies should be performed before Omega-3 supplementation has been recommended as a panacea for Covid patients.

Omega-3S levels are not alone in providing protection against the virus, of course. Read it to find out which habits you can practice today to make you less susceptible to the virus. And for more about what your blood group means for your risk of covidation, checkIf you have one of these types of blood, you can be safe from Covid.

Carry two masks

young man wearing mask on bus

While wearing a unique mask can help you avoid spreading potentially contaminated respiratory droplets, wearing two wishesyou will protect even more, the experts say. "If you have a physical coverage with a layer, you put another layer on - it makes a common sense that it would probably bemore efficient, "Anthony Fauci, MD, Chief Medical Councilor of the White House, said during January 25th.Today. And for more ways to curb the COVID epidemic,Dr. Faisci just said that this thing could turn the pandemic around.

Disinfection of your toothbrush


Cut your risk of covidation could be as easy asDisinfect your toothbrush. According to a December 2020 study published inThe Infectious Disease Journal, "Disinfection of toothbrushes and hygiene of the oral cavity is important for controlling the transmission of SARS-COV-2, especially in asymptomatic individuals or those waiting for the result of the CVIV-19 test." And for more ways to protect yourself, know thatIf you do this to your mask, the CDC says you need a new.

Keep windows open in your car

woman driving car

You want to make sure you make these car rides with others as safe as possible? So make sure you keep theCorrect the windows open in your car while you take a ride. According to a study of 2020 December published in the journalAdvance of science, in addition to having all the passengers wear masks,Opening the furthest windows From you is an effective way to improve airflow and reduce your risk of contracting Covid from another passenger. And for the latest COVID news delivered directly to your inbox,Sign up for our daily newsletter.

Get a HEPA filter

HEPA vacuum air filter

In arecent interview, Fauci also approved the purchase of high efficiency particulate air systems, also called HEPA Filters -For remove the covid particles from the air into your home. "The good airflows and HEPA filters can work," he said in an interview of January with the Association of Arts Professionals. Fauci added that he bought filters "a couple" to purify the air from his home and encouraged others to do the same thing, noting: "It was $ 49 on Amazon.com, you know? was not a big deal. " And for more signs, you can know that If this is your only symptom, you could be safe from Covid .

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Tags: Coronavirus / News
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