The second way you can get a free coronavirus antibody test

If you want to know if you have ever had Covid-19, here is your chance to get a free answer.

COVID-19 follow-up was a huge challenge in the middle of the pandemic. And with the states entering the first phases of their reopening plans, many people wishing to venture again are eager to know if they havealready contracted the new coronavirus with little or no symptoms. Fortunately, the test facilities finally took the demand and are able to treat the large number of patients who want more information about their exposure to the virus. And if you are ready to do a good action, you canGet your absolutely free antibody test. How? 'Or' What? Just giving blood.

As supplies in the country's blood banks decreased due to training restrictions,Vital, one of the largest non-profit blood services in the country, offersCover the cost of patient antibody tests in order to bring more crucial donations. "Literally every day, we are in situations where we need people to appear. It's a critical shortage"Cliff, marketing chief for vitalating, told "All these surgeries have returned and we now have a situation where we need all these people to appear for critical hospital procedures. People should give as soon as they can."

Unlike new Nasal Stab tests that are looking for a current viral infection, antibody tests rely on blood drawing to check if a person has built antibodies against the virus-meaning they have already been infected. And while the antibody tests have been called for theirlack of precision, Vitalus relies onThe Ortho Vitros Clinical Diagnostics Test, which is considered one of the best options currently available. The results will come back in patients in about two weeks.

Patients whopositive test can also be useful for treating those who are currently suffering from the diseaseThanks to the convalescence plasma, another effective treatment against the virus. After all, whileAntibodies do not guarantee immunity against the virus, knowing that you have helped someone else in a time of need never hurt. And for more trial coronavirus, checkThe major coronavirus test error of the CDC that can affect you.

Better life Constantly monitoring the latest news regarding COVID-19 in order to keep you healthy, safe and informed. Here are the answers to yourBurning questions, theways you can stay safelyand in good health, thefactsYou must know, therisksyou should avoid, themythsYou must ignore, and thesymptomsto know.Click here for all our COVID-19 covers, andSubscribe to our newsletter stay up to date.

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