It's at this moment that you can have a great gathering, says the doctor

There is a light at the end of the tunnel - and we can reach it earlier than you think.

Over the past year, we missed weddings, graduates, holidays and funerals because of the pandemic. We canceled sports events and organized zoom baby shirts, all with the singular goal of avoiding crowds. And that's exactly why the prospect of having a great gathering is so important: when we canfinally meet without fear or consequenceThis means that Covid's adhesion on our lives is detached.

But when, exactly, will it happen?

Most projections have been nebulous and non-commissioners, given the unpredictable nature of the virus and its variants. But according to a Q & A live withLeana S. Wen, MD, doctor and columnist forThe Washington Postmilestonecan be closer than you think. With a little luck - and some continuous precautionsYou may be able to attend events safely with other people since this summer.. Read more about the encouraging Prediction of Wen and for more essential information about Covid,Dr. Faisci has just said that's when life will come back to "what it was before."

"There is a good chance we canMeet with others by summer If everyone is fully vaccinated, "Wen explained. However, she warned that this possibility is subordinated to several factors, including if vaccines prove to offer excellent protection againstEmerging variantsIf the vaccine check can be reliably made for all participants and that data continue to show that vaccines will reduce the likelihood of being a coronavirus carrier. "

Even if weare able to gather at that time, Wen notes thatWe can still need to wear masks Depending on the "answers to these questions and the size of the gathering". Fortunately, preliminary evidence ofrecent studies Indicates that the vaccine actually prevents transmission, as opposed to the elimination of symptoms. If proved, it would considerably pass things in favor of things that will come back to normality in the near future, which made possible IRL events again with a fraction of the risk they are currently present.

This is not the only good news that Wen had in store, however. Read it to find out what Wen says you can expect after getting your vaccine and for more pandemic predictions,Dr. Fauci just said when it will be safe for dinner inside like normal again.

It is impossible to get Covid of the vaccine.

doctor with syringe injecting vaccine on young woman patient against coronavirus -

The coviderSide effects of vaccine Can reflect some side effects of Covid-19 itself, leading to rumors that the vaccine can actually infect you with the virus.

However, Wen dispelled this misconception, reassuring the readers theycan not become infected by one of the approved vaccines. "Covid-19 vaccines that are allowed (and other people currently testing in the United States) do not contain live viruses. Side effects come from the body developing an immune response in case you meet coronavirus to The future. They are normal and expected, and should not be a concern towards others around them, "she said. And for the latest COVID news delivered directly to your inbox,Sign up for our daily newsletter.

Food allergies should not prevent you from getting Covid vaccine.

doctor talking to elderly patient wearing mask

A reader wrote to ask if allergies should dissuade or not that someone to become vaccinated against COVID. "What advice do you have for people like me who have several food medications and allergies on Covid vaccine?" they wrote.

Wen sympathized, saying, "I also have medication and food allergies, as well as millions of Americans" but have urged the reader to become vaccinated anyway. "Unless you are allergic to a specific component of the vaccine you are taking, you shouldalways get the vaccine. You will be observed for 30 minutes after the vaccine (instead of 15 minutes like the others), she said. And for more knowledge of the Covid vaccine,Dr. Fauci says that after being vaccinated is a huge mistake.

Being immunocomoured can reduce the effectiveness of vaccination.

Person getting COVID vaccine

Being immunocomer during the COVID pandemic is a double-edged sword, explains Wen: the condition can reduce the efficiency of the vaccine, butnot Getting the vaccine leaves those with compromised immune systems with considerable risks.

"It is possible that vaccines may be shorter in those of compromised immune systems. It is also possible that those of immunosuppressive drugs can rise less robust of an answer," she explained. "What we know for some is that these [which are immunocomous] are more likely to becomeseriously sick of coronavirus. This is why those who are immunocomized should see as an even greater imperative to get the vaccine as soon as they are eligible, "added Wen.

Prevention is the best remedy-for now.

A doctor wearing gloves fills a syringe with COVID-19 vaccine

Another reader asked Wen: "Why is there little or no mention of COVID-19 treatment On traditional media? "

"There is no civid-19 cure," replied Wen. She explained that the treatments currently available, such as dexamethasone, remesivir and monoclonal antibodies, can prevent serious symptoms and reduce mortality. "We must focus on getting better treatments because we also recognize that the key is Preventing from becoming coronavirus in the first place , and that's what the vaccine does. (This is also what masking, physical distancing, avoidance of indoor gatherings and other public health measures.) And for more essential vaccination information, check You should never do that after getting the Covid vaccine, say managers .

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